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Bush, Neo-Cons & Nazis
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zen jihad
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Sep 16, 2004, 09:23 AM

There are numerous connections between the Bush family and the Nazis. Moreover, the philosophy of the neocons within the Bush administration has already been connected with fascism. However, no article has attempted to present an overview of the fascist connections within the Bush administration - until now.

George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: The Ties That Bind


From the Streets of Little Beirut
By Glen Yeadon

Numerous writers have compared the Bush tactics with those used by Hitler, while others have documented the connection between Prescott Bush and the Nazis. However, there is much more to what has lead the Bush regime to transform the United Stated into a fascist police state. Few people are aware that it is the Republican Party which paid for Nazi broadcasts in the 1930s or that the GOP employed Nazis in election campaigns. Fewer are aware that Herbert Hoover conspired with top Nazi officials in Berlin to unseat Roosevelt in the 1940 election. Others have forgotten that George Bush senior as chairman of the Republican Party set up the ethnic heritage groups of the party as havens for former Nazis or that he employed known Nazi war criminals on his campaign staff.

Moreover, as the New York Republican convention nears convening, it is increasingly obvious that protestors will be dealt with brutally. New weapons such as a sound blaster developed for the military are already in place in New York blurring the lines between the military and civilian affairs. Over fifty protestors are being tightly watch and tailed, their only crime is their opposition to Bush. The Republican governor has suggested that free speech is not a right but a privilege that can be revoke. Additionally there is a massive operation going on in Florida and other states to deny Blacks their right to vote. Finally the Bush administration is using terror alerts to frighten voters and to condition them to the possibility of a canceled election. These and similar tactics are no different than the tactics Hitler's brown shirts employed.

The fascist philosophy underlying the present Bush administration. (See accompanying diagram.) http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/bushadmin.html

There are numerous connections between the Bush family and the Nazis. Moreover, the philosophy of the neocons within the Bush administration has already been connected with fascism. However, no article has attempted to present an overview of the fascist connections within the Bush administration. This article will begin to outline the fascist connections between the present Bush administration and the Nazis, using a two-prong approach. The philosophical roots of Bush and the neocons can be traced back to one of America's notorious fascist.

Several authors have already noted the link between senior members of the Bush administration and the fascist Leo Strauss. However, exploring further the philosophical roots of Bush administration, we see that this connection leads back to the robber barons and the empire of J.P Morgan. Due to the natural congeniality between the robber barons and the corporate state of fascism, most of America's leading industrialists became America's leading supporters of fascism. They were responsible for bringing Hitler to power and for building Hitler's war machine.

Strauss is nominally portrayed as a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany. However, Strauss wasn't the hapless Jewish refugee that he is purported to be. Strauss adopted Zionism at the age of 17. There is a close and sinister association between Zionism and the Nazis. Many of the Zionists supported Hitler and the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis concluded a transfer agreement with the Zionists. The Zionists were attempting to limit the choices available for Europe's Jews to two choices: immigrate to Palestine or perish in the Holocaust.

As a student, Strauss began studying the philosophers that provided the basis for fascism: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Schmitt. He became a devoted lifelong follower of their philosophy. Strauss's philosophy and views became increasingly fascist as his studies progressed. The hallmark of Strauss's philosophy was his belief in totalitarian government. He rejected all principles of natural law and believed in keeping the masses ignorant and in general servitude.

Strauss left Nazi Germany with the warm commendation of the Nazi jurist and philosopher Carl Schmitt. Schmitt was personally responsible, in 1934, for arranging a Rockefeller Foundation scholarship for Strauss, which enabled him to leave Germany, to study first in France and then England. He arrived in the United States from Britain in the fall of 1937. Briefly appointed Research Fellow in the Department of History of Columbia University, he then became a member of the graduate faculty at the New School for Social Research in 1938.

The New School of Social Research was founded in 1919, a year after Willard Straight's death from influenza. Straight had been a partner of J.P. Morgan. He believed that America's security depended upon the British fleet and that it was in the United States own interest to enter the war. At the same time, he saw the war as an opportunity for American bankers and industrialists to make substantial gains internationally at the expense of Britain. Morgan was an anglophile and believed in the entry of the U.S. in the war. In 1915, Straight left the Morgan empire for a position with the American International Corporation, itself affiliated with the National City Bank.

In 1914, Straight and his wife Dorothy (maiden name, Dorothy Payne Whitney) invited Herbert Croly to edit the first edition of the New Republic, a new magazine funded by Straight. During WWI, J.P. Morgan was obsessed with the media and endeavored to control it. Providing backing for the New Republic had a threefold purpose for Morgan. Firstly, it would keep him abreast of the thinking in left-wing circles. He even had an inside man in the communist press. Secondly, Morgan believed a magazine such as the New Republic allowed the left to blow off steam, thus acting as a safety valve. Finally, he also believed it would give him a power of veto on any actions originated by the left, in case they ever went radical.

Funding the New Republic was not the only effort funded by Morgan to gain control of the press. In 1915, he got together 12 leading men within the newspaper business and commissioned them to determine how one could control the national press. They agreed that, to control the national press, all that was needed was to control 25 of the most influential papers. Morgan immediately sent emissaries to purchase the editorial policy of the 25 selected papers. Morgan also used his money to form the American Legion and to craft it into a union busting and redbaiting group of hired thugs that ran amok during the 1919 Red Scare terrorizing and murdering countless union leaders and leftists.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was another Morgan front group aimed at controlling the American people. The CFR evolved out of the Rhodes Roundtable group during WWI. Most of the early members were Morgan employees who had met their English counterparts during the Paris Peace Conference. The CFR was a bridging group between the Morgans and the Rockefellers, and the Rockefellers provided much of the financial support. As the Rockefeller fortune came to outgrow the Morgan fortune, the CFR became more dominated by the Rockefellers. Percy Rockefeller, a Skull and Bones member who served on the board of the Morgan Guaranty Trust further strengthened the bridge between the Morgan and Rockefeller dynasties.

The New Republic certainly fits the blueprint of Morgan's efforts to control the media. Initially, all outside contributions had to be unanimously approved by its editorial board. The New School for Social Research followed in the footsteps of the New Republic. Straight's widow and the wife of another J.P. Morgan partner, Mrs. Thomas Lamont, were instrumental in establishing the New School. Two years later in 1921, Alvin Johnson, the assistant editor of the New Republic was named Director of the New School. Strauss remained at the Morgan-connected New School for Social Research for ten years. In 1948, he accepted a position at the Rockefeller founded University of Chicago.

Not only was Strauss a promoter of fascist ideology, but his entry into the United States and his work there through most of his life was supported financially by two of the most powerful American fascist families. While the dealings of the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil Company with the Nazis during the war allowed the family the thin pretense that they were not personally involved, other actions by the Rockefeller family confirm their fascist ideology. It was the Rockefeller Foundation that provided funding for much of the Nazi research into eugenics, including the funding for the twin research conducted in the concentration camps by Mengele.

Strauss's connections to the neo-cons within the Bush administration are well known at this point. Numerous other neo-cons serving in the Bush administration or the American Enterprise Organization, who funded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), were students and followers of Strauss. Not only can this be seen in their dictatorial approach but it is also visible in their strong pro-Israeli views. An interesting aspect of Strauss's tenure at the University of Chicago is that it is during his tenure that both David Rockefeller and John Ashcroft received their degrees from the University of Chicago.

The Rockefeller family played a key role not only in funding Strauss but also in destroying the economies of Third World nations. The Rockefellers have used the University of Chicago and their various family foundations to promote an economic policy of ruin. The laissez-faire economics promoted by the Chicago school has failed numerous times in the past and was one of the leading causes of the 1929 stock market crash and resulting Great Depression. Such economic policies only lead to global fascism and corporate rule, which are the prime goal of the Rockefeller family.

This is evident in David Rockefeller's support of free trade agreements, the World Trade Organization and the World Bank. These trade organization and agreements have impoverished much of the Southern Hemisphere with their draconian demands for privatization and cuts in social spending. Moreover, these trade agreements effectively reduce the government's role to that of an enforcer of corporate policies. All of these free trade agreements contain a clause setting up a tribunal comprised of corporations to settle all disputes, including claims against the government. The clause effectively bypasses the court systems in signatory countries. In effect, these clauses confer supreme sovereignty to multinational corporations who answer to no one. Under these clauses, corporations are free to claim environmental laws, labor laws and other laws are harmful to the company and cause it financial loss, which results in massive settlements against the government and in the overturning of needed laws.

One of the chief advocates of these free trade agreements is Dick Cheney, who has promised David Rockefeller that he would deliver a hemisphere trade agreement before the end of the current Bush administration.
zen jihad  (op)
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Sep 16, 2004, 09:24 AM
Such unconstitutional trade agreements have become commonplace as a result of the Rockefellers' ability to control and direct economic thought in the United States. In essence, the Rockefellers maintain a monopoly on economic theory. To understand how they gained such control brings us back to the 1920s. During the 1920s, two economists rose to prominence: Ludwig von Mises, and Friedrich A. Hayek. Both were helped by Rockefeller money. Von Mises toured the United States in 1926. The tour of American Universities was sponsored by the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Foundation and was greatly successful in promoting the views of the Austrian School of Economics. Hayek tutored personally David Rockefeller in economics.

In 1950, von Hayek was brought to the United States to teach at the University of Chicago. He didn't teach economics, he was actually made a professor on the Committee on Social Thought. This was an exceptionally dangerous position for a man that held the views von Hayek did. In 1945, von Hayek's The Road to Serfdom was published. This poorly written book was an attack on the concept of the nation-state. In it, von Hayek argued that the nation-state was a hindrance to peace, and socialism led to totalitarian systems, which treated their citizens as serfs. In place of the nation-state von Hayek proposed a supra-national authority or world federation consisting of the financial elite.

This elite would then be free to rule the world according to their own interest. In 1947, von Hayek created the Mount Pelerin Society, made up of the financial elite of Europe, as a first step toward his supranational authority. In the years since, the Mount Perlin Society has been influential in creating numerous "conservative" think tanks, which promote free market economic policies for the Establishment. The society has expanded to include the following think tanks: the Heritage Foundation in 1973, the Fraser Institute in 1974, the Manhattan Institute in 1977, and the Pacific Institute for Public Policy Research in 1978.

The influence of the Chicago University on modern economics is unprecedented. Since 1969, most of the Nobel prizes in economics have been awarded to the free traders, despite the spectacular failures of laissez-faire economies.

Economists who dare publish articles opposing the thought of the Chicago University, are quickly ridiculed, their works dismissed, and their careers wrecked. All this is a testimony to the power of the Rockefeller family and its control over economy and free thought.

The connection between the University of Chicago and fascism was renewed in the 1960s under Pinochet in Chile. It was the "boys from Chicago", students of Milton Friedman, who destroyed the economy and reduced the citizens to serfdom in Pinochet's fascist Chile, where dissent was eliminated by right-wing death squads.

According to von Hayek's views, corporations are given the status of sovereign nations while the nation-states are reduced to mere quislings of the corporate state and enforcer of their laws. This is the same agenda as that of the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary fund and the many so-called "free trade agreements." Many of the Bush neocons are further linked with von Hayek by their beliefs in Mandeville. (Von Hayek rejected the idea that man was created in the image of god and traced his philosophical ancestry to the early eighteenth century Satanist, Bernard Mandeville.)

At this point, it becomes clear that the Bush administration's philosophical roots are clearly grounded in fascist ideology and in the fascist dogma of the corporate state. That these roots come from two of America's richest families confirms fascism as a top-down revolution by the elite to maintain their control and power. The fascist roots of the Bush regime are manifested in the operative side of its philosophy, through the Psychological Strategy Board under Nelson Rockefeller. C D Jackson served in the Eisenhower administration; he was in charge of the psychological warfare. Both Bruce and Howell Jackson were part of the PNAC project, the blueprint for the Bush regime.

The operative route: how the fascists manifested themselves. (See accompanying diagram.) http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/bushadmin.html

A return to the partners of J.P Morgan provides the operative connection between the Bush administration and fascism. Thomas Lamont was a prominent figure in the 1934 fascist plot to remove Roosevelt from office. The plot called for retired Marine General Smedley Butler to lead the force --much of it consisting of American Legionnaires-- to take over the White House. Roosevelt would be given a chance to step down and to cooperate with the plotters. If Roosevelt refused to let the business leaders seize power, then the plotters would kill him.

However, Butler was an honorable man, and he leaked the information concerning the plot to Roosevelt. Roosevelt knew he could not simply dismiss it when it was connected with several leading industrialists and bankers. To foil the plot, Roosevelt leaked information about it to the press. The resulting commotion in the front pages of the country's newspapers undermined any efforts by the plotters to proceed.

Butler described his military career as follows.

"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses�. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested."

A third partner of J. P. Morgan, Henry Davison, financed the Yale Aviation Club, of which his son Trubee was a member. Many of the Aviation Club members were also members of the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale. The club gained fame during WWI. Robert Lovett led the unit during the war. Artemus Gates was another member. Trubee was injured in a crash during training and never saw combat.

The most interesting aspect of this group of college aviation buffs is how many of them later served in WWII on the targeting selection committee. Henry Simpson, Secretary of War and a former Bonesman, appointed John McCloy as his Assistant Secretary of War in charge of intelligence. Robert Lovett was appointed Assistant Secretary of War for air. Directly under Lovett was Trubee Davison. Davison held the position of assistant chief of staff at A-1. Artemus Gates served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy for air. James Stillman Rockefeller served with the Airborne Command and Airborne Center as assistant chief of staff.

Clearly the Department of War, and particularly the command for air had an unusually high number of members from the Yale Aviation Unit and the Skull and Bones. Moreover, these individuals all had extensive ties to Wall Street firms, which had a history of doing business with the Nazis. Certainly they were able to influence the target selection in the air campaign against Germany. Lovett was a lifelong advocate of what amounts to terror bombing, the bombing of civilian centers.

The air campaign against Germany left eighty percent of the homes destroyed. Factory production was only reduced by twenty percent. However, much of the reduction in factory production came about not by damage to the factories, but from delays and shortages of parts caused by the disruption of the transportation system from bombing damage. For example, Cologne was a city targeted for massive bombing attacks. While the city lay in ruins, the Ford and I.G. Farben plants escaped all but minor bomb damage. In Berlin, a city that had been reduced to rubble from the bombing campaign, the Allies chose the I.G. Farben building for their headquarters. It had escaped all but minor damage from the bombs.

Robert Lovett and Prescott Bush were both Bonesmen employed by Brown Brothers and Harriman. In fact, many of the top directors and partners of Brown Brothers & Harriman were Bonesmen. It was one of the main firms on Wall Street to have extensive dealings with the Nazis.

The deals with the Nazis were so extensive at Brown Brothers & Harriman that Prescott Bush had 23 firms seized from him for trading with the enemy. Five firms were seized from Bush in 1942, another 18 firms were seized shortly after the war. The 18 firms had been allowed to operate during the war only because seizing them had been judged detrimental to the war effort and their continued operation posed little risk to the Allies.

Before the firms were seized, Prescott Bush hired the Dulles brothers to conceal the Nazi ownership in these firms. Any window of deniability slammed shut the minute Bush hired the Dulles brothers to conceal the Nazi's ownership. This is when it becomes treason by both Bush and the Dulles brothers. It confirms that both parties knew that the continued operation of these companies was in violation of U.S. policy and of the Trading with the Enemy Act. Moreover, it confirms that both parties freely chose to aid the Nazis when the U.S. was at war with Nazi Germany.

The Wall Street law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell employed both John Foster and Allan Dulles. Throughout the 1930s and the early 1940s, the Dulles brothers were busy cloaking Nazi ownership of numerous corporations and their cartel arrangements with I.G. Farben. Not only was their work treasonous in and of itself, it also delayed the production of war materials and munitions.

Aside from his 23 corporations seized for violating the Trading with the Enemy Act, Prescott Bush was a leader in the American eugenic movement. The American eugenic movement was successful in the passage of sterilization laws in many states for anyone judged unfit. These laws served as the basis of the Nuremberg Laws passed by the Nazis. Much of the Nazi eugenic research was funded, even during the war, with money from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation. The Harriman's were also large financial backers of the movement.

After the war, John Foster Dulles, with the aid of Rockefeller money, led a world tour of third-world nations stressing the danger of population expansion of nonAryan races. George Bush, Prescott's son, has followed in his father's footsteps in setting up population control in third-world nations through the UN. In his first political race, George Bush campaigned against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and as a member of congress he warned of the danger of too many Black babies. While population control may be a laudable goal, in the hands of the Bush family it becomes another eugenic tool aimed at eliminating nonAryan races.

Moreover, Cold Springs Harbor, the center of eugenic research in the 1920s and 1930s is still operating. It is currently a leader of the human genome project. While the genome project will undoubtedly provide many future medical benefits, Cold Springs remains firmly under the control of the same families involved in the American eugenics movement. Current directors William Gerry and Allen Dulles Jebsen are the grandsons of Harriman and Allan Dulles respectively.

The genome project provides the ideal cover to develop a genome-specific bioweapon, a weapon with the sole purpose of committing genocide on a massive scale. Such a weapon has been described by the PNAC as a politically useful tool. The PNAC is the road map George W. Bush is following as a "War President."

This is not the only link between the Rockefeller Foundation and questionable programs. In 1931, with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads infected human subjects with cancer cells. Rhoads later established the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama. It was named the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he began a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

Following the war, Allan Dulles faced an investigation for treason. While Dulles was crafty enough to escape the charges, one of those aiding him in covering up his crimes was Richard Nixon. While still serving in the navy, Nixon was given some captured documents to review. The contents would have revealed Allan Dulles as a traitor. In exchange for burying the documents Dulles agreed to fund Nixon's first political campaign. Nixon's campaign benefited from large contributions from a large New York bank connected with Brown Brothers and Harriman.

Captured Nazi documents reveal they had a comeback plan. Their plan to regain power after the war revolved around using their friends or other fascist sympathizers in other countries --and particularly in the United States-- to do their bidding while rebuilding Germany. The documents note that, as late as 1944, the Nazis were hoping for a Republican victory in the presidential election because they would get an easier peace. The second part of their plan aimed at provoking a war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, which would allow the Nazis to retake power in Germany without U.S. intervention.

Politically, Eisenhower had a tin ear, and he was politically na�ve. When John Foster Dulles approached him in Europe to run for election in 1948, Eisenhower had no foreign policy concept formulated. He was easily swayed by Dulles' idea of massive nuclear retaliation, which led to the appointment of Dulles as secretary of state. While Eisenhower was no Nazi and expressed his hatred of Nazis and Germans in his letters to his wife, he allowed the American Nazis like the Dulles brothers to gain a great deal of control over his administration. Eisenhower appointed Allan Dulles as CIA Director, and Prescott Bush and John Lovett were Eisenhower's close golfing buddies. Prescott Bush was also the driving force in selecting Richard Nixon as Eisenhower's running mate. Nelson Rockefeller was appointed to head the Psychological Strategy Board. Numerous employees of Sullivan and Cromwell, the two Wall Street firms most involved with the Nazis, held important positions within the administration.

John McCloy and General Draper, both from the former Control Council of Germany, fulfilled important roles in the Eisenhower administration. Nothing was left to chance in the rebirth of the Nazis. In postwar Germany, the three most powerful figures: John McCloy head of the Control Council, Lewis Douglas, the head of the Finance Division of the Control Council and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, were all brothers-in-law. They all had wed daughters of Fredrick Zinsser, a partner of JP Morgan.

While the American Nazis succeeded in gaining partial control of the Eisenhower administration and were able to stoke the fires of the Cold War, they failed to secure total control. Although these American Nazis managed to dupe the tired old general, they never succeeded in completely tricking him. Even after suffering a debilitating heart attack the old general refused to turn over the reins of power to Nixon, a man he loathed. Before leaving office, Eisenhower realized he had been duped and left us his rather cryptic warning about the military-industrial complex, suggesting the dangers of corporate rule.

Since 1960, Eisenhower's warning has gone largely unheeded. Beginning with the rise of fascism and the elitism within the Reagan administration, the military keeps taking up a bigger portion of the budget, social welfare has been largely eliminated --just as it was eliminated in Nazi Germany. Today, under the regime of George W. Bush, it is clear that the corporations within the military-industrial complex are in control of the country. It allows Dick Cheney to pad his retirement account at Halliburton with millions of dollars of Halliburton overcharges for services not delivered in the Iraq War. Meanwhile, many of the soldiers are sent into combat without body armor.

A recently disclosed top-secret document from the NSC reveals that the NSC staff were instructed to cooperate fully with Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force as it considered the "melding" of two seemingly unrelated areas of policy: "the review of operational policies towards rogue states," such as Iraq, and "actions regarding the capture of new and existing oil and gas fields." The document suggests that Cheney's Energy Task Force was actually a discussion for geostrategic plans for oil, putting the issue of war in the context of the captains of the oil industry sitting down with Cheney and laying grand, global plans. This would confirm Bush's plans for regime change in 60 countries and his support for rebel forces opposing the democratic government of Venezuela as well as the increasing hostility of the Bush administration towards Iran.

Too many people still believe that fascism can't happen here. It is happening here today. The Gestapo is firmly in place in the form of Ashcroft's justice department. The FBI no longer serves to protect the citizens; instead it is being used to protect this regime, by such means as the gagging of Sibel Edmonds, for instance. The FBI is no longer primarily charged with criminal investigation instead its being used to enforce this regime's policies and finally the FBI, other federal law enforcement agencies and the military are illegally spying on anyone opposed to this regime. Moreover, Representative Porter Goss, Bush's choice to head the CIA has introduced legislation that would allow the CIA to conduct operations inside the United States including arbitrary arrests of American citizens.

Ike's military-industrial complex, the PNAC document, the World Trade Organization, free trade agreements, and the George W. Bush regime are all parts of the many-headed Nazi Hydra in America.

If George Bush declares a red alert or martial law or manages to steal another election, will you be one of the first sent to the concentration camps? Will you go quietly like a lamb? Will you allow the Gestapo to haul away your neighbor, your wife, your son or daughter? Will you live next to the crematories with your head in the sand as the Germans did? Or will you oppose the regime and help reestablish the constitutional republic?

The time to decide is now, tomorrow may be too late. The corporate state of fascism has risen from the ashes of 9/11 like a giant phoenix. It will consume all that opposes it. The Fourth Reich has risen. Beware. Your life and freedoms depend on it.

For greater details into these connections and others and complete documentation click the link below to the Nazi Hydra in America.
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Sep 16, 2004, 09:26 AM
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Sep 16, 2004, 09:32 AM

-- oh, and:

Lastly, post your Foil Hat Pic� too, Zimp!

"Everything's so clear to me now: I'm the keeper of the cheese and you're the lemon merchant. Get it? And he knows it.
That's why he's gonna kill us. So we got to beat it. Yeah. Before he let's loose the marmosets on us."
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Sep 16, 2004, 09:35 AM
Ohhh nice, a picture thread!!

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Sep 16, 2004, 09:53 AM
Visiting the sins of the fathers on their sons, I see?

The phrase I used comes from the Bible, but most nations -including the US- find the concept of corruption of blood (the legal term for punishing people for the crimes of their ancestors) to be abhorrent regardless of religion. In the US, it's outright unconstitutional.

And seriously, the Bush/Hitler comparisons are getting old. Besides being wildly inaccurate and out of place, they're also a good way of ensuring that no one takes you seriously.
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Sep 16, 2004, 11:53 AM
Congratulations zen

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Sep 16, 2004, 12:15 PM
Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4

Glen Yeadon. Quite the�uh�"objective" journalist isn't he?
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Sep 16, 2004, 12:48 PM
If I were more cynical, I'd hate the Nazi's for always being used to demonize people (particularly in politics) everyday.
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Sep 16, 2004, 01:13 PM
Just out of curiosity did anyone actually read those posts.
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Sep 16, 2004, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by macaddict0001:
Just out of curiosity did anyone actually read those posts.
Not one single word.

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Sep 16, 2004, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by PacHead:
Not one single word.

Someone actually posted this tripe!? Let me take a moment to laugh�Ahahahahahaha!!!

Please. I found this one somewhere:

Fascism is an interesting beast. While only having a brief period of control, it still manages to be the reference point of anything evil, and for good reason. Communism is given less criticism, although during its much longer rule, many more were killed. Fascism, defeated militarily in 1944, is still in our world, 60 years later.

Skinheads, who have voluntarily shaved their hair off, probably to get it over with before balding sets in, are a disgusting phenomenon. Complete with black attire and combat boots from surplus shops, they are a growing force in Europe and America. They stage riots, beat up foreigners, and paint swastika graffiti. In our country, they are spreading out blatantly racist literature on street corners and recruiting more comrades to cults such as the Aryan Nation.

There are always idiots and fringe groups, but the signs of it are spreading throughout society. German race riots, French neo-fascists and anti-semitism, becoming all too popular in our modern world. While the destruction of communism was a victory of all that is good and democracy, the void has created intense, violent ethnic nationalism and the revival of over fascist movements, many of which have been suppressed since World War II.

Meanwhile in the West, unsettling social trends are becoming noticeable. cynicism about democracy; economic disaffection; moral skepticism; a yearning for "charismatic leadership".

Fascism is back in academia. Martin Heidegger has been revealed as a friend of the Nazi party. Some defend his fascist ideals, others take a good look at the man they know know as a Nazi. Deconstructionist critic Paul De Man is now known to be the writer of many anti-Semitic writings for fascist newspapers. Many intellectuals are left wondering how such sophisticated people can be associated with the brutal fascists.

Even worse is the new ideas of the modern intellectuals. Cultural determinism, reduction of all social relationships to issues of sheer power; the idea that one's identity is centered on one's race; the rejection of the concept of the individual. Now, all they wish to do is to dismantle the West and critique "humanist" values. Is it 1933 again?

Moral issues are impossible to discuss with objectivity. How can one discuss morality when people clamor for the right to die, euthanasia. One out of four pregnancies ends in an abortion, which amounts to millions. Objective morality is dead.

The misconception about fascism is the pictures that we see, the goose-stepping brown shirts. Does anyone remember what those people considered their ideology? Fascism wasn't a dream. It was real, and we have forgotten what makes it evil.

First thing's first: fascism isn't "right wing" or "conservative", but something more. It is not the polar opposite of "left wing." This idea eliminates the possibilities of a non-linear system of political though. It breaks everything down into neat little dichotomies, which have very little value when comparing two brands of socialism. They hide the modernness of fascism, its appeal to progressives and the avant-garde. Fascism has always been ahead of the curve, in their mind at least.

Also necessary is the reason why the hated the Jews. Racism alone cannot explain the virulence of Nazi anti-Semitism. What was in the Jews that was so "inferior," in their minds? What did the Jews do to history that could possibly make them so evil?

The Nazis hated the Jews, but also their contributions to Western civilization. A Transcendent God, who reveals a transcendent moral law, which fascist argued alienates human being from nature and themselves. Fascist intellectuals wanted to create a new spirituality of immanence, focused upon nature, human emotion, and the community. Fascist wanted to restore ancient pre-Christian consciousness, the ancient mythic sensibility, in which individual experience unity with nature, with each other and their deepest impulses.

Fascism is a spiritual revolt against Judeo-Christian tradition, which is essentially the Bible.
This thread cracks me up. RAIL, that's my kitty! I claimed that pic in the name of neo-conservatism�err, "fascism." [ ]
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Sep 16, 2004, 04:31 PM
The only reasonable connection I've made between Hitler and Bush is that they both wanted to remove civil liberties from a particular culture based on religious beliefs and not practical decisions.

By the way, how do you not troll in the political forum?
zen jihad  (op)
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Sep 16, 2004, 04:59 PM
The only connection I'll say that is fact, is that Bush's family fortunes were derived from Nazi money. Nuff said.

Millennium - it may be old and tireseome for you to hear such things, but to many it's refreshing and oh so ironic in light of what is happening today. It's not my fault I think you and many others are blind. Fascism and dictorships take on many forms as societies change. Just watch.
zen jihad  (op)
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Sep 16, 2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Zimphire:
Congratulations zen
Yeah, but you're still a dic[k], always will be by the looks of it. What was it earlier? Apologising for Ariel Sharon? Stop sniffing glue dude.
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Sep 16, 2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by zen jihad:
Yeah, but you're still a dic[k], always will be by the looks of it. What was it earlier? Apologising for Ariel Sharon? Stop sniffing glue dude.
If voodoo can report someone for telling him to "bugger off" can Zimph report you for calling him a dic[k]? Does that get you all hot and nasty, cussing people in an online forum? Are you really phoenixboy in disguise, or is that common Liberal behavior?
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Sep 16, 2004, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by MacNStein:
If voodoo can report someone for telling him to "bugger off" can Zimph report you for calling him a dic[k]? Does that get you all hot and nasty, cussing people in an online forum? Are you really phoenixboy in disguise, or is that common Liberal behavior?
All he needs is a Rammstein pic.
I know somebody here has to be using two accounts. It just seems like it, especially when polls are done.
I can't remember the last time those two posted in the same thread.
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Sep 16, 2004, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by olePigeon:
The only reasonable connection I've made between Hitler and Bush is that they both wanted to remove civil liberties from a particular culture based on religious beliefs and not practical decisions.
So does Kerry.
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Sep 16, 2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by zen jihad:
Yeah, but you're still a dic[k], always will be by the looks of it.


You know you make yourself out to be an ass when you post such things right? It doesn't harm me any.

What was it earlier? Apologising for Ariel Sharon? Stop sniffing glue dude.
This comes from the person that posted this thread. And thinks it's legit.

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Sep 16, 2004, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Zimphire:
So does Kerry.
How so?
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Sep 16, 2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by olePigeon:
How so?
Kerry doesn't support Gay marriages.
At least the LAST time I heard him talk about it.

He could have very well changed his mind by now.

A few times.
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Sep 16, 2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Zimphire:
Kerry doesn't support Gay marriages.
At least the LAST time I heard him talk about it.

He could have very well changed his mind by now.

A few times.
How is not supporting gay marriages, and actively pursuing the banning of gay marriages the same?

I don't approve of the homosexual lifestyle, but I'm not about to vote on a bill to stick them in concentration camps.
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Sep 16, 2004, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by olePigeon:
How is not supporting gay marriages, and actively pursuing the banning of gay marriages the same?

LAWL! I guess one is honest while the other is just sitting on the fence. How is "Not supporting Gay marriage" and "Getting it banned" any different?

Both ways they don't want it.

You crack me up.

I don't approve of the homosexual lifestyle, but I'm not about to vote on a bill to stick them in concentration camps.
Concentration camps? Double You Tee Eff?
Clinically Insane
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Sep 16, 2004, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Zimphire:

LAWL! I guess one is honest while the other is just sitting on the fence. How is "Not supporting Gay marriage" and "Getting it banned" any different?

Both ways they don't want it.
So James Earl Ray was just being honest. Gotcha.

Concentration camps? Double You Tee Eff?
Are you related to Hutton Gibson?
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Sep 17, 2004, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by olePigeon:
So James Earl Ray was just being honest. Gotcha.

Are you related to Hutton Gibson?
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Sep 17, 2004, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by Zimphire:
That's 2 for me. I'm on a roll.
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Sep 17, 2004, 12:17 AM
Two? The last one I was making fun of you. And this one I was doing the same.

You posted an absurd post, and so did I.

I'll reply to you in a serious manner when your post reflect it. But when you post silliness. So will I.
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Sep 17, 2004, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by RAILhead:

Lastly, post your Foil Hat Pic� too, Zimp!

Maury [/B]
Great looking cat!
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Sep 17, 2004, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by olePigeon:
The only reasonable connection I've made between Hitler and Bush is that they both wanted to remove civil liberties from a particular culture based on religious beliefs and not practical decisions.
Actually, as a matter of giving the devil his due, Hitler didn't do that. Granted, what he actually did wasn't any better -he was motivated by race, rather religion- but it's still important to get the facts straight.

For one thing, the fact that he was motivated by race was actually something of an innovation among the anti-Semitic community of the time, and it didn't win him many friends in the existing anti-Semitic groups. He actually called the older groups "misguided" for religion-based hate (never mind that he hated certain other religions with great passion, but that's hypocrisy for you). Existing anti-Semites didn't take that accusation very well.

Nowadays, of course, almost all anti-Semitic groups focus on race, rather than religion; even bin Laden's own hatred focuses more on race than anything else. In many ways, that makes such groups Hitler's ideological descendants. Of course, such groups' reactions to having that pointed out will vary widely; some will wear it as a badge of pride while others will probably attack you physically for it.
You are in Soviet Russia. It is dark. Grue is likely to be eaten by YOU!
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Sep 17, 2004, 12:02 PM
I find it humorous those against religion LOVE to paint Hitler as being religious.
It's almost like they haven't read anything on the guy.
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Sep 17, 2004, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Zimphire:
Two? The last one I was making fun of you. And this one I was doing the same.

You posted an absurd post, and so did I.

I'll reply to you in a serious manner when your post reflect it. But when you post silliness. So will I.
There you go again. Give it up.
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Sep 17, 2004, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Millennium:
Actually, as a matter of giving the devil his due, Hitler didn't do that. Granted, what he actually did wasn't any better -he was motivated by race, rather religion- but it's still important to get the facts straight.
Hitler hated people because of race, Bush hates people because of sexual orientation. Same principle.
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Sep 17, 2004, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by olePigeon:
Hitler hated people because of race, Bush hates people because of sexual orientation. Same principle.
Could you make a more ridiculous statement? First off, I don't think that Bush "hates" people because of their sexual orientation. I have met gay people who have met him, and that isn't at all the sense they get from him. I think his position on gay marriage is far more cynical and calculated than "hat[red]." It's pandering to bigotry, but not hate. As you yourself said:

Originally posted by olePigeon:
I don't approve of the homosexual lifestyle, but I'm not about to vote on a bill to stick them in concentration camps.
Hitler's regime could be said to hate people because of their sexual orientation. His regime did throw them into concentration camps -- to die or be killed. To equate that with Bush is obscene. It belittles the victims of real hatred.
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Sep 17, 2004, 06:36 PM
Sheesh. Few people have a lower opinion of Bush than I do and I'll say definitively that comparing Bush to Hitler is indefensibly ignorant.

If the death toll from Bush's various military misadventures ever approaches 6 million, then we can revisit the issue. Until then, STFU.
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Sep 17, 2004, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by thunderous_funker:
If the death toll from Bush's various military misadventures ever approaches 6 million, then we can revisit the issue. Until then, STFU.
I'm not sure those even compare. Hitler committed genocide. The military signs up for service. And if we stopped being so PC we could limit the casualties a little more.
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Sep 17, 2004, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by CreepingDeath:
I'm not sure those even compare. Hitler committed genocide. The military signs up for service. And if we stopped being so PC we could limit the casualties a little more.
Like I said, when the number of dead caused by Bush's wars approaches the number dead from Hitler's wars we can begin to ask ourselves if they compare.

Until then the comparison is utterly indefensible.
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die." -- Hunter S. Thompson
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Sep 17, 2004, 07:58 PM
This thread:

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Sep 17, 2004, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by zen jihad:
How many times do we have to say that equating Bush and the neo-cons with Nazi's is a
disgrace. Seriously, many american companies took advantage of lucrative trading/business
relations with the Nazi's. How come we aren't seeking to boycott all of them?

I can't stand Bush but all this Bush/neo-cons==Nazi nonsense really diminishes the Nazi's
and THAT can't be allowed. They must ALWAYS be remembered for the horrors they
committed and not have that memory diluted by false comparisons.
One should never stop striving for clarity of thought and precision of expression.
I would prefer my humanity sullied with the tarnish of science rather than the gloss of religion.
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Sep 17, 2004, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by thunderous_funker:
Sheesh. Few people have a lower opinion of Bush than I do and I'll say definitively that comparing Bush to Hitler is indefensibly ignorant.

If the death toll from Bush's various military misadventures ever approaches 6 million, then we can revisit the issue. Until then, STFU.
I didn't read your post before my first reply but you said in a much more elegant way what I wanted to say.
One should never stop striving for clarity of thought and precision of expression.
I would prefer my humanity sullied with the tarnish of science rather than the gloss of religion.
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Sep 19, 2004, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Millennium:
Actually, as a matter of giving the devil his due, Hitler didn't do that. Granted, what he actually did wasn't any better -he was motivated by race, rather religion- but it's still important to get the facts straight.

For one thing, the fact that he was motivated by race was actually something of an innovation among the anti-Semitic community of the time, and it didn't win him many friends in the existing anti-Semitic groups. He actually called the older groups "misguided" for religion-based hate (never mind that he hated certain other religions with great passion, but that's hypocrisy for you). Existing anti-Semites didn't take that accusation very well.

Nowadays, of course, almost all anti-Semitic groups focus on race, rather than religion; even bin Laden's own hatred focuses more on race than anything else. In many ways, that makes such groups Hitler's ideological descendants. Of course, such groups' reactions to having that pointed out will vary widely; some will wear it as a badge of pride while others will probably attack you physically for it.
Great point many ignore.

Also interesting to note more Jews are believed to have died in the hands of Stalin than Hitler. But Hitler is the one taught to have practiced a holocaust. Stalin gets away as just being a communist.

Hitler's #1 target was actually the 'defective', and the gypsies. Not the Jews. The gas chambers were tested on those with things like polio, MS, retardation and other debilitating diseases/disorders. They weren't pure enough. There was a risk they could breed with the pure people and taint the gene pool he thought. They were 'inferior', and must be removed.

Then he feared the gypsies. Nomadic (like the Jewish people), very independant (not tied to 1 economy, or political movement). He had no control over them. Unlike the French, or Jews, or others he hated, the Gypsies had no problem moving right into the neighborhood, and mating with the 'superior race'. The jews lived in ethnic neighborhoods. The french lived across a border. No contamination risk. They were the 2nd highest risk to him.

#3 was the Jewish people... which among other things, he blamed for ruining the economy (when in fact he was absolutely wrong, the highly skilled labor common in jewish communities was keeping it up).... and that was about the most logical thing he came up with.

The guy was bonkers. No question about it.

What's funny, is that people now talk about the homosexuals, athiests and non-christians being more of a risk than al queda. How the **** does that workout? Nobody has yet to be willing to explain it. Everyone says I'm wrong for not seeing how they are more of a danger... but please do explain.

F***ing american stupidity.
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Sep 19, 2004, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by MacNStein:
If voodoo can report someone for telling him to "bugger off" can Zimph report you for calling him a dic[k]?

Get a grip.
I could take Sean Connery in a fight... I could definitely take him.
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Sep 19, 2004, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by olePigeon:
There you go again. Give it up.
There *I* go again? Had you not went into that bout of silliness I wouldn't have posted the pic.

Everything was going fine till then.

Originally posted by voodoo:

Get a grip.
Whaaa? how is it that HE is the one that needs to get a grip? You were the one that was reporting people for telling you to bugger off.

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Sep 19, 2004, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Millennium:
Actually, as a matter of giving the devil his due, Hitler didn't do that. Granted, what he actually did wasn't any better -he was motivated by race, rather religion- but it's still important to get the facts straight.

For one thing, the fact that he was motivated by race was actually something of an innovation among the anti-Semitic community of the time, and it didn't win him many friends in the existing anti-Semitic groups. He actually called the older groups "misguided" for religion-based hate (never mind that he hated certain other religions with great passion, but that's hypocrisy for you). Existing anti-Semites didn't take that accusation very well.

Nowadays, of course, almost all anti-Semitic groups focus on race, rather than religion; even bin Laden's own hatred focuses more on race than anything else. In many ways, that makes such groups Hitler's ideological descendants. Of course, such groups' reactions to having that pointed out will vary widely; some will wear it as a badge of pride while others will probably attack you physically for it.

Today I read a TREMENDOUS essay on terrorism (posted by Zimphire...much gratitude is due Zimphire for bring this insight to the pages here! AWESOME essay!) which talks about Hitler (and others too) and I wonder how you and the other posters positions would be changed or not after reading this 'new' (to me, anyway) information.

Consider these posts as my way of introducing you to yourself.

Proud "SMACKDOWN!!" and "Golden Troll" Award Winner.
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Sep 19, 2004, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by macaddict0001:
Just out of curiosity did anyone actually read those posts.
One should always make at least an effort to know the opponent an/or his point of view.

One should always try to add to one's own knowledge base.

One should try not to dismiss that which might enrich one's own knowledge, in some way.

I read it for about 30 minutes and from the Mein Kampf link for a half hour.

Interesting stuff. Much of it makes sense but many faulty or questionable conclusions were drawn by the writer.
Consider these posts as my way of introducing you to yourself.

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Sep 19, 2004, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by voodoo:

Get a grip.
No, you and your ilk "get a grip". Even Lerk telling someone to STFU? Is that a pattern with all Liberals now? Open disrespect and "potty-mouth" disease? Is that maturity? Or is that part of the true ugly underbelly of Democrat politics?

You guys going to stop acting and speaking like scumbags any time soon?
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Sep 20, 2004, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by MacNStein:
You guys going to stop acting and speaking like scumbags any time soon?
I try to be nice.
(But I'm not a democrat, just a liberal... a liberal with guns...)
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Sep 20, 2004, 06:16 AM
Originally posted by MacNStein:
No, you and your ilk "get a grip". Even Lerk telling someone to STFU? Is that a pattern with all Liberals now? Open disrespect and "potty-mouth" disease? Is that maturity? Or is that part of the true ugly underbelly of Democrat politics?

You guys going to stop acting and speaking like scumbags any time soon?
You are wasting your time. Flamebaiting won't work.
I could take Sean Connery in a fight... I could definitely take him.
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Sep 20, 2004, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by voodoo:
You are wasting your time. Flamebaiting won't work.
I'm not flamebaiting, I'm calling the offending people, with dirty mouths and poor manners, immature little punks. Grow up and evolve, or shut up. If you can't have a decent debate with someone without restorting to profanity or namecalling, don't even bother.
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Sep 20, 2004, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by AKcrab:
I try to be nice.
(But I'm not a democrat, just a liberal... a liberal with guns...)
Yep, I've got quite a few myself, probably 10x more than the "Southern Gentleman's" average.
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."
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Sep 20, 2004, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by MacNStein:
I'm not flamebaiting, I'm calling the offending people, with dirty mouths and poor manners, immature little punks. Grow up and evolve, or shut up. If you can't have a decent debate with someone without restorting to profanity or namecalling, don't even bother.
I can see well enough what you are up to. In any case what comes around goes around.
I could take Sean Connery in a fight... I could definitely take him.
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