Some commonly used Macintosh applications
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*UPDATED 3/25/05 http://forums.macnn.com/showthread.p...5#post1938875*
Based on an idea in another thread, and to prevent people from posting the same things over and over, I have decided to make a new thread listing all commonly used Macintosh applications. This thread will be dedicated to ideas and the such and I will take these ideas and make it into a sticky (in a new thread).
So list your ideas here:
Commonly used video viewing applications:
1) Mplayer
2) VLC
3) Quicktime
Commonly used FTP applications
1) Interarchy
2) Rbrowser
3) Transmit
4) Fetch
Commonly used Word processing applications
1) Microsoft Word
2) Textedit
3) AppleWorks
4) Mellel
Commonly used Chat applications
1) Adium
2) iChat
3) AIM
4) MSN Messenger
5) Fire
Feel free to add your ideas here. The final draft will include the relevant links also and a short description. Thanks.
Last edited by mindwaves; Mar 26, 2005 at 02:11 AM.
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Commonly used FTP applications
Commonly used Word processing applications
Commonly used Chat applications
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might I suggest linking to the actual website instead of versiontracker/macupdate links which may or may not break without notice? It would also be a good idea to explicitly link to versiontracker and macupdate themselves as a resource for finding new or lesser-known apps.
and how about a group for Web Browsers (and maybe a list of their pros and cons if you're feeling generous), and image editors (GraphicConverter)? And I submit BBEdit for text editors, and Cellulo for video (it has playlists and reads all kinds of wacky sub formats). Other categories at your discretion of course: CD burning, File Sharing, Screen Capture, and whatever VPC is.
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Last edited by wataru; Apr 10, 2004 at 07:29 PM.
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Originally posted by mdc:
Commonly used Word processing applications
I'd change that to "Developement applications" and include fink, XCode, AppKiDo...
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maybe groups for back-up applications, and maybe "utility" programs like diskwarrior, techtool, norton etc etc.
and i agree with uncle skeleton - link to the developer's website instead of versiontracker...or maybe provide 2 links - 1 to the website and a second that searches this forum - that might cut down on some of the duplicate threads.
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I don't think this thread is going to do much good unless it's sticky.
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Dude, you should add Camino to the web browser list.
The latest nightlies are AWESOME! 
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Originally posted by mindwaves:
Based on an idea in another thread, and to prevent people from posting the same things over and over, I have decided to make a new thread listing all commonly used Macintosh applications. This thread will be dedicated to ideas and the such and I will take these ideas and make it into a sticky (in a new thread).
So list your ideas here:
We need some consensus on a backup application for OS X or OS 9. Some folks like SuperDuper, and some like CarbonCopyCloner. Making backups and bootable CDs seem to be hot topics in threads, so maybe you can add these (or YOUR backup strategy/software) to the list.
Also, don't forget TexEdit as an editor/word processor. That thing's been around for ever, and it's bulletproof.
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Cellulo is more like "alternative video player based on QuickTime that supports playlists and many subtitle formats"
And how can you leave out GraphicConverter? Even if it doesn't fit in any category, it's the quintissential mac app.
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Originally posted by Uncle Skeleton:
Cellulo is more like "alternative video player based on QuickTime that supports playlists and many subtitle formats"
And how can you leave out GraphicConverter? Even if it doesn't fit in any category, it's the quintissential mac app.
Updated. Thanks.
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Very nice idea for a sticky this one!
Comment - If you are going to include NeoOffice/J, then you ought to also include OpenOffice.org which runs in X11 - the reason being that this version will likely merge in the latest OOo 1.1.1 code quite a while before NO/J. Also, you ought to put both of these under the Office apps heading (there is nothing geeky about installing and using either).
Under the Backup files/restore files/clone a drive heading:
FoldersSynchronizer (shareware)
Can I also suggest another few headings (with my recommendations for them below):
Menu extras:
1. ImageWell (freeware) - enables extremely easy uploading of images to your iDisk (or other WebDAV or FTP servers)
2. iAddressX (shareware) - puts your AddressBook details in the menubar
3. MUmenu (freeware) - puts a listing of the latest MacUpdate downloads in your menu bar
Science Apps:
1. EnzymeX (freeware) - determine which restriction enzymes you should use to cut your DNA of interest.
2. 4Peaks (freeware) - visualize and edit DNA sequence files (an OS X native equivalent of ABI's EditView)
3. PyMol (sponsorware; free to academics) - a molecular graphics system with an embedded Python interpreter designed for real-time visualization and rapid generation of high-quality molecular graphics images and animations.
1. WordService (freeware) - provides 34 functions to convert, format or speak the currently selected text, to insert data or to show statistics of the selection within all Cocoa applications and Carbon applications supporting services
2. CalcService (freeware) - calculates the result of a selected formula within all Cocoa-applications and appends the result to the formula or replaces the formula with the result. In addition there's the possibility to display the result in a panel without modifying the text.
3. CalendarCreator (freeware) - will take whatever text you've selected and attempt to parse it into a dated event in iCal.
Edited to direct links to developer sites instead of Macupdate and to include Pymol in the science apps
Last edited by JKT; Apr 21, 2004 at 12:37 PM.
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I can't believe I forgot MenuMeters, possibly the most useful menu extra ever.
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BBEdit/TextWrangler - is my pick for web development / word processing
Goliath is a great WebDAV file transfer program, i use it to transfer files to my iDisk, it works so much faster than mounting the thing with Finder 
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Apple design award for interface most resembling another app.
yeah, I know they do different things, but still...
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Euhm what about... iTunes, ShapeShifter, CandyBar, Cocktail, Quicksilver, Launchbar, Stuffit Expander and UnRar ?
Last edited by kovacs; Apr 26, 2004 at 04:00 PM.
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Originally posted by kovacs:
Euhm what about... iTunes, Stuffit Expander
Those come with the system. Everyone has them. We don't need to tell people about them.
If you really want those other ones on the list, why don't you provide a link to the developer's website and a quick blurb about it.
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Originally posted by wataru:
Those come with the system. Everyone has them. We don't need to tell people about them.
Ok but they are commonly used.
Originally posted by wataru:
If you really want those other ones on the list, why don't you provide a link to the developer's website and a quick blurb about it.
ShapeShifter switch themes safely
Unrar open RAR files, quick and easy
CandyBar change the system icons
Quicksilver keyboard launcher
LaunchBar keyboard launcher
Cocktail tweak hidden settings in os x and perform maintenance
Last edited by kovacs; Apr 26, 2004 at 03:59 PM.
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Originally posted by lngtones:
Apple design award for interface most resembling another app.
yeah, I know they do different things, but still...
How different can you make an FTP program? Seriously.
All glory to the hypnotoad.
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Originally posted by brutal:
Dude, you should add Camino to the web browser list.
The latest nightlies are AWESOME!
need camino on the list.
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Recently, I've been a big user (and fan) of devon think. It's a very useful app and a GREAT example of what OS X can do.
I'm also a big OmniOutliner fan.
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This is one of the best threads I've ever seen on this forum. Someone please make it sticky. 
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It already is a sticky, but as a separate thread... it's up to mindwaves to keep it up to date.
How could I have forgotten OmniDictionary
I don't know where you want to put this one, but OmniGraffle should be somewhere as well!
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i look in your general direction
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Osirix - the best DICOM medical image viewer on ANY platform as far as I can see!
Menu calender - great little freebie app
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Hi everyone,
I will try to update the list soon, but I am busy. The reason for a separate thread for comments is because I want "commonly used" applications or good applications for a specific purpose. What separates this thread from the "Top 5 or so shareware apps for Mac OS X" is this thread is just common apps and not just your favorite apps so please don't feel bad if I leave your suggestion out. After all, it is a suggestion.
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Originally posted by mindwaves:
Updated, and yes, I already had textedit in there. The new link:
No, not TextEdit, TexEdit, found here:
from Trans-Tex software.
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How on Earth can you recommend Netscape 7 (unsupported) and Firefox (incomplete) but *not* Mozilla??? (complete and maintained)
I could take Sean Connery in a fight... I could definitely take him.
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Yeah, Netscape 7 blows. Put Mozilla in instead.
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Updated, will do more later
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Originally posted by brutal:
Dude, you should add Camino to the web browser list.
The latest nightlies are AWESOME!
Here's another vote for adding Camino to the list.
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Last edited by mindwaves; May 13, 2004 at 06:05 PM.
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Originally posted by Ludovic Hirlimann:
Web Browser Section
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FWIW, you've misnamed FoldersSynchronizer X
Also, I still think that you should include OOo and/or NeoOffice/J in the word processing section rather than the feeling geeky bit. NeoOffice/J at the least.
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The video apps are misleading and confusing. Many users have AVI files which can only be played by certain of the many AVI players out there - and the question comes up frequently about "Why can't Quicktime play my AVI file - it supports AVI, right?" when it is really an indeo codec, etc.
Maybe this is too concise a list for this purpose, but the video players look equivalent from the listings but I have had to resort to mplayer for some files, then vlc, then QuickTime in Classic, then WMP, etc, for files that are 'supported' by all.
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Originally posted by lngtones:
Apple design award for interface most resembling another app.
yeah, I know they do different things, but still...
Wow, how could Apple have missed that - the Transmit.app interface is even better done.
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Originally posted by JKT:
Very nice idea for a sticky this one!
Comment - If you are going to include NeoOffice/J, then you ought to also include OpenOffice.org which runs in X11 - the reason being that this version will likely merge in the latest OOo 1.1.1 code quite a while before NO/J. Also, you ought to put both of these under the Office apps heading (there is nothing geeky about installing and using either).
Under the Backup files/restore files/clone a drive heading:
FoldersSynchronizer (shareware)
Can I also suggest another few headings (with my recommendations for them below):
Menu extras:
1. ImageWell (freeware) - enables extremely easy uploading of images to your iDisk (or other WebDAV or FTP servers)
2. iAddressX (shareware) - puts your AddressBook details in the menubar
3. MUmenu (freeware) - puts a listing of the latest MacUpdate downloads in your menu bar
Science Apps:
1. EnzymeX (freeware) - determine which restriction enzymes you should use to cut your DNA of interest.
2. 4Peaks (freeware) - visualize and edit DNA sequence files (an OS X native equivalent of ABI's EditView)
3. PyMol (sponsorware; free to academics) - a molecular graphics system with an embedded Python interpreter designed for real-time visualization and rapid generation of high-quality molecular graphics images and animations.
1. WordService (freeware) - provides 34 functions to convert, format or speak the currently selected text, to insert data or to show statistics of the selection within all Cocoa applications and Carbon applications supporting services
2. CalcService (freeware) - calculates the result of a selected formula within all Cocoa-applications and appends the result to the formula or replaces the formula with the result. In addition there's the possibility to display the result in a panel without modifying the text.
3. CalendarCreator (freeware) - will take whatever text you've selected and attempt to parse it into a dated event in iCal.
Edited to direct links to developer sites instead of Macupdate and to include Pymol in the science apps
Ok, I might have just wasted the last four hours of my life trying to get Open Office to work on my computer (OS X 10.3.3) and I hate giving up. Am I in over my head as I'm not a developer? I thought I could use this instead of Office 2004--am I totally mistaken.
I've downloaded from the Open Office site, got OroborOS on, got XDarwin, got XFree86 and feel like I am hopelessly lost. When I double click on Start OpenOffice.org I just can't get anything to happen. Been on their forums, faqs, readme, what's a theme anyway--sheesh!!
I thought this would be simple and that I could use Open Office instead of Office 2004.
Does it in fact do what Office 2004 does?
Any suggestions--and I mean easy steps to follow, ie a. b. c. to be able to try out Open Office. I'd be willing to follow some instructions and salvage the last lost 4 hours at my desk.
Or should I bust open the box that has Office 2004 in and forfeit the ability to get a refund.
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Originally posted by ClaraT:
Ok, I might have just wasted the last four hours of my life trying to get Open Office to work on my computer (OS X 10.3.3) and I hate giving up. Am I in over my head as I'm not a developer? I thought I could use this instead of Office 2004--am I totally mistaken.
I've downloaded from the Open Office site, got OroborOS on, got XDarwin, got XFree86 and feel like I am hopelessly lost. When I double click on Start OpenOffice.org I just can't get anything to happen. Been on their forums, faqs, readme, what's a theme anyway--sheesh!!
I thought this would be simple and that I could use Open Office instead of Office 2004.
Does it in fact do what Office 2004 does?
Any suggestions--and I mean easy steps to follow, ie a. b. c. to be able to try out Open Office. I'd be willing to follow some instructions and salvage the last lost 4 hours at my desk.
Or should I bust open the box that has Office 2004 in and forfeit the ability to get a refund.
Ok, your first problem is that you don't need OrborOSX, XDarwin, or XFree86. Why did you download those? All you need is Apple's X11, which comes with 10.3. After that, all you need to do is download the OO.o 1.0.3 installer (1.1.1 requires you to install 1.0.3 first anyway) and run it. Very simple.
But why are you bothering with that, anyway? Just try NeoOffice/J. It's OO.o 1.0.3 but without the X11 dependence. It's incredibly easy to install.
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Great thread(s), thanks Mindwaves.
Some of these apps have already been mentioned, but I thought I'd suggest a category for them, too:
Manage files differently:
LaunchBar - instant access utility which saves one from searching for apps and files
Quicksilver - same as above
Butler - same as above
Path Finder - not happy with the Finder? Try using this as an alternative/complement.
Default Folder - gives open/save dialogs a functionality boost.
FruitMenu - more features and flexibility in your contextual and apple menus.
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Then we should have something along the lines Plan/Mindmap/Outline ideas/concepts, where there should be:
MyMind - a free outliner which renders hierarchical maps.
ConceptDraw - a family of planning and visualisation apps.
OmniGraffle - impressive diagramming and charting tool.
OmniOutliner - versatile text-based outliner.
Others.... ?
Last edited by Judge_Fire; May 28, 2004 at 05:24 AM.
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Originally posted by wataru:
Ok, your first problem is that you don't need OrborOSX, XDarwin, or XFree86. Why did you download those? All you need is Apple's X11, which comes with 10.3. After that, all you need to do is download the OO.o 1.0.3 installer (1.1.1 requires you to install 1.0.3 first anyway) and run it. Very simple.
But why are you bothering with that, anyway? Just try NeoOffice/J. It's OO.o 1.0.3 but without the X11 dependence. It's incredibly easy to install.
I don't know what I did--fiddled around with the preferences in OrborOSX or something--but I actually got OpenOffice to work. Not very impressed with the look--too much like a Windows PC, yecchh!
So you think I can uninstall all that stuff I downloaded, which by the way the prompts kept telling me to do, and go with NeoOffice/J?
Will, give it a whirl in the morning. Appreciate your advice. Just go to their site and download the one that works for OS X 10.3 right? Simple eh?
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Originally posted by ClaraT:
I don't know what I did--fiddled around with the preferences in OrborOSX or something--but I actually got OpenOffice to work. Not very impressed with the look--too much like a Windows PC, yecchh!
So you think I can uninstall all that stuff I downloaded, which by the way the prompts kept telling me to do, and go with NeoOffice/J?
Will, give it a whirl in the morning. Appreciate your advice. Just go to their site and download the one that works for OS X 10.3 right? Simple eh?
Yes, I recommend that you get rid of all X11 implementations other than Apple's.
NeoOffice/J's interface is just as ugly as regular OO.o's is, but it acts more like a regular OS X app in many important ways: It's double-clickable, it uses regular OS X fonts, it uses regular OS X print dialogs, it supports Asian language input, and etc.
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Originally posted by ClaraT:
I don't know what I did--fiddled around with the preferences in OrborOSX or something--but I actually got OpenOffice to work. Not very impressed with the look--too much like a Windows PC, yecchh!
So you think I can uninstall all that stuff I downloaded, which by the way the prompts kept telling me to do, and go with NeoOffice/J?
Will, give it a whirl in the morning. Appreciate your advice. Just go to their site and download the one that works for OS X 10.3 right? Simple eh?
Unfortunately, until work begins on OpenOffice 2.0 (which should hopefully give us a fully OS X native app), we're likely to be stuck with the ugly windows look of OOo and Neo/J. But, if you can get over the yeuch factor, the apps are very powerful for no cost what-so-ever, and you are also supporting the liberation of the office application field from the grip of Microsoft (or more pertinently, from the grip of the .doc, .xls, .ppt closed formats... Office itself is an OKish app when it doesn't eat your work*, its the "owning" of your data by MS that I vehemently dislike).
* a long and unhappy (for me) story.
Edit: FWIW, you can change the appearance of OOo/NeoO/J to a Classic Mac OS look - still the ugly grey, but the buttons and menubars are the old school MacOS 9 styling. It's one of the General preferences IIRC. Edit 2: It's an option under the View>Display>Look and Feel section
Last edited by JKT; May 28, 2004 at 07:51 AM.

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