Pol Lounge General News Thread of "This doesn't deserve it's own thread" (Page 7)
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Tightpants
Maddow "uncovered" that Trump paid $38M in taxes in 2005, double the percentage of the Clintons or Sanders.
Gotta say, if there's one thing that unites Trump and the Clintons it's tax "avoidance". Do you have citation for Sanders tax evasion? It doesn't seem to me he's likely to indulge. It would be suicidal politically.
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Originally Posted by Doc HM
Gotta say, if there's one thing that unites Trump and the Clintons it's tax "avoidance". Do you have citation for Sanders tax evasion? It doesn't seem to me he's likely to indulge. It would be suicidal politically.
I'm not sure how that "unites" Trump, he apparently pays his taxes.
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Games Meister 
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Originally Posted by subego
Gotta predict nothingburger.
So much so thats 1.30 and I have no idea what happened.
Clinically Insane
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It's Russia hacking Yahoo.
Clinically Insane
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Maddow way overhyped the taxes. That was a dumb move.
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I could swear we'd already seen those. I remember hearing and thinking it was 12 years ago, not proof of/against much.
Games Meister 
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Originally Posted by subego
It's Russia hacking Yahoo.
I can only assume that because there are a bunch of old government types with private emails there.
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Games Meister 
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Originally Posted by subego
What people say and what people mean doesn't always match as well as it should. That would be the main way I could see it not being racist.
Heh, well lucky for us his clarification tour is removing all doubt.

Games Meister 
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That is one populist budget. They actually killed funding for Meals on Wheels. While twirling their mustache, I presume.
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That's harsh. Such a good program for housebound elderly.
Games Meister 
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I should mention, the GOP has been pretty mum on Steve King. Which doesn't say anything good about them.
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Originally Posted by subego
Ryan cuffed him.
"The speaker clearly disagrees and believes America’s long history of inclusiveness is one of its great strengths," she said in the statement.
Wow, what that must have a left mark.
Clinically Insane
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Originally Posted by The Final Dakar
Wow, what that must have a left mark.
I dunno... if a Republican is questioning your inclusivity, you've sunk pretty low.
Games Meister 
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So my point was, where is everyone else?
Clinically Insane
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I have no one-liner for this.
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Clinically Insane
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Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
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Games Meister 
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Originally Posted by subego
I am only buying green ties from now on.
Games Meister 
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Originally Posted by The Final Dakar
Watched a longer video and the body language is incredible. Trump won't make eye contact, won't turn in her direction and only talks mostly facing away from her.
Clinically Insane
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Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar
Looks like he didn't hear her?
Games Meister 
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Originally Posted by Laminar
Looks like he didn't hear her?
Or the reporter that asked.
Maybe if he had glanced in her direction he might have known she was talking.
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Hes an abject embarrassment.
I have plenty of more important things to do, if only I could bring myself to do them....
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WTF? That room was noisy as hell. How is this even a thing?  The embarrassment is the Left's reactions.
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nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin,
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Look at his body language. He's a child.
I have plenty of more important things to do, if only I could bring myself to do them....
Clinically Insane
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Considering Merkle defaults to the Secret Service skullcracker posture, I think he knew he was checkmated.
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The Education Department is ordering guarantee agencies that collect on defaulted debt to disregard a memo former President Barack Obama’s administration issued on the old bank-based federal lending program, known as the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program. That memo forbid the agencies from charging fees for up to 16 percent of the principal and accrued interest owed on the loans, if the borrower entered the government’s loan rehabilitation program within 60 days of default.
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Clinically Insane
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Originally Posted by The Final Dakar

Games Meister 
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House Speaker Paul Ryan to Rich Lowry on capping Medicaid funding: "We’ve been dreaming of this since you and I were drinking out of a keg"
Libertarians are weird, sad people.
Nunes just told me he's never heard of Carter Page or Roger Stone. And he's in charge of the investigation?
You know, its been pretty obvious this guy's been carrying water for the Trump administration, but this a new level bullshit. Now he's making me suspicious of him.
Games Meister 
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Cementing her role as a powerful White House influence, Ivanka Trump is working out of a West Wing office and will get access to classified information, though she is not technically serving as a government employee, according to an attorney for the first daughter.
Uh, how the **** does that work? You can hand out clearance to anyone, as long as they got connections?
Games Meister 
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"I don’t think we learned anything new yesterday with Comey's testimony," Ryan said at a press briefing.
Games Meister 
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Originally Posted by The Final Dakar
Games Meister 
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Originally Posted by The Final Dakar
Something's up but I can't make head or tails of it yet and it's too complicated for my phone.
Games Meister 
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Originally Posted by The Final Dakar
Something's up but I can't make head or tails of it yet and it's too complicated for my phone.
Here's the weird shit that happened:
To summarize, the intel committe chairman got a heads up by either a whistleblower or an 'illegal leaker' about Trump campaign being picked up in relation to FISAs, runs to Paul Ryan, then to Trump, and doesn't inform his opposite number on the commission. When Schiff is finally informed and asks to see the info, Nunes says he doesn't have it in his possession.
But Nunes’s refusal to disclose how he had obtained the documents and his unusual handling of the material — which he withheld from other committee members even while rushing to present it to the White House — were interpreted by some as a sign that his discovery was engineered to help the White House.
Nunes, who served as a member of Trump’s transition team, would not say whether his information came from a source affiliated with the White House — or whether the reports he had seen simply cited cables between foreign entities or direct communications between Trump or his team and a foreign agent.
“I’m not going to get into any of this,” he said, stressing only that it was “very clear to me” who the Trump team officials referenced in the report were.
The White House has previously enlisted Nunes, as well as a senior U.S. intelligence official, to knock down politically damaging reports about Trump and Russia. White House officials dismissed suggestions that Trump aides had coordinated with Nunes.
Like I said, I'm suspicious of this ****.
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He's erratic, acting like he doesn't know who to trust. Perhaps he's in fear for his life. 
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nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin,
but by the content of their character." - M.L.King Jr
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Originally Posted by The Final Dakar
Here's the weird shit that happened:
To summarize, the intel committe chairman got a heads up by either a whistleblower or an 'illegal leaker' about Trump campaign being picked up in relation to FISAs, runs to Paul Ryan, then to Trump, and doesn't inform his opposite number on the commission. When Schiff is finally informed and asks to see the info, Nunes says he doesn't have it in his possession.
Like I said, I'm suspicious of this ****.
As you should be. One would be hard pressed to credibly argue against the necessity of an independent investigator after this foolishness.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes apologized to committee members Thursday, a Democrat on the panel told reporters, coming the day after Nunes told the public and the President that communications of him and associates may have been collected by intelligence agencies before telling Democratic members of the committee.
Rep. Jackie Speier, a California Democrat , said Nunes apologized at their meeting Thursday morning. Nunes also promised to provide the same information he's viewed to the committee members but did not offer a specific timeline.
Nunes, a member of the Trump's transition team executive committee, set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday when he headed to the White House to personally brief President Donald Trump on the revelations. Despite being advised against doing so, sources said Nunes met with Republican members of the Intelligence Committee before his news conference, but did not share information with the Democrats on the committee.
Committee Democrats had to force Nunes at the meeting to talk about his announcement, a committee source told CNN. The source said that when the intelligence meeting began, Nunes did not want to bring the issue up -- but Democrats pressed him, leading him to apologize.
His apology comes after a day of fierce criticism from Democrats for how Nunes handled the news Wednesday.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi called for an "outside non-partisan commission" to handle the investigation into Russia meddling in the US election last year.
"I think he has demonstrated that there is some question about his respect for the committee," she told reporters Thursday, adding, "I think he sent a signal that as a member of the Trump transition team himself, he probably should not be intricately involved in this investigation."
Pelosi said Nunes was either duped or a "willing stooge" who's committed a stunt.
"I don't know if that was a cry for help, or 'let me out of here,' or whatever that was, but it was highly unusual," she said a a news conference. "Outside, the accepted behavior of a Chairman of an intelligence or any committee."
The ranking member of the House Oversight Committee said Nunes should be the subject of an investigation after telling Trump that communications of him and associates may have been picked up after the election by intelligence agencies conducting surveillance of foreign targets.
"Basically what he has done is he has scuttled and put a cloud over his own investigation and he has become the subject -- he should be -- of an investigation," Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland, told CNN's Chris Cuomo Thursday on "New Day." "It's a real problem."
"What he did was basically to go to the President, who is being investigated by the FBI and others and by the intelligence committee, to give them information."
Nunes apologizes to House Intel Committee, member says - CNNPolitics.com
This is akin to the prosecutor in a grand jury investigation tipping off a (potential) target of said investigation of the evidence being gathered. There is no justification for it. At all.
Games Meister 
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Did you see he ducked a question if the info he was leaked came from the White House?
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Games Meister 
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That's gotta be in response to how badly the AHCA ****s them over, right?
Clinically Insane
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Am I going crazy? There was once algebra talk here, right?
Edit: didn't see it was moved... danke!
Games Meister 
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My thanks to the mods as well
Games Meister 
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Last edited by The Final Dakar; Mar 27, 2017 at 11:35 PM.
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Games Meister 
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Too lazy to start a "How do you feel about" for this one: Trump repeals 'blacklisting rule' | TheHill
The Obama-era rule was intended to prevent the government from contracting with businesses responsible for wage theft or workplace safety violations at any point within the last three years.
Games Meister 
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Originally Posted by Trump
The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!
While losing revealed some fissures in the democratic base, it's comforting that winning hasn't solved the obvious fracturing of the GOP. Freedom Caucus is looking more like a third party, making the House GOP more of a coalition government.
Games Meister 
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In other news Paul Ryan said he hoped Trump wouldn't work with Democrats oh health care and got called out by another republican (!)

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