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The Russian Connection (Page 5)
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Mar 20, 2017, 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
While I think there are a few places this more true than one would expect, like when it comes to her private rages, it's not very good as a general argument, is it?
Sorry, I probably should have used some kind of /joke tag.
Clinically Insane
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Mar 20, 2017, 04:32 PM
This makes me more confused.

Am I off with the "bigger shithead" analogy?
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Mar 20, 2017, 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Laminar View Post

1. Incorrect use of "fake news" term.

2. Getting origin of "fake news" term wrong.

3. Taking pride in mocking people that coined "fake news" term (presumably liberals, Democrats, or the left), even though they didn't actually create "fake news" term.

4. Connotation of basically every word in that last sentence.

None of those are helping your "I try to be unbiased" case.
Fine Lam, you're right. You are the master of all things fake news, and I will make sure my future throwaway jabs reflect your sensitivities.
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Mar 20, 2017, 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Paco500 View Post
This is simply not true. For starters, you have several times criticised my grasp on technology, when it is clear from your initial posts that you did not understand what was at issue. You got hung up on WHOIS when, if you had either read the article critically instead of just dismissing it because of 'bias' you would have realised that was not the case. Moreover, a very quick google search lead to articles with more technical detail that further discredited your understanding of the situation. Let's review that facts.

Whether it was WHOIS, NSlookup, or whatever. It's irrelevant - it all comes from the same place and has the same info.
Please tell me how any DNS request could possibly be weird or notable.

1) A server for a Russian bank made an inordinate number of DNS requests for a server under the control of the Trump organization.
Please tell me how this could possibly be weird or notable. We established this early on.

2) While I have never been in cyber security myself,
DNS has little to do with the security industry aside it's use in public website address translation, considering it's what manages how servers translate easy websites like CNN.com to actual internet IP addresses. Domain Name System. "Oh I've never been an astronaut so I don't really know how to steer this boat".
I have managed a team that had that responsibility.
You managed a cybersecurity team with 0 security experience, knowledge, or training? You're either using the word "managed" very loosely, or are otherwise using that term disingenuously (your use of passive voice here is also nudging me towards skepticism).First of all, no one in "cyber security" calls it cyber security unless they are talking to their grandmother.

Anomalies such as these are, as I've repeated again and again, weird and notable.

Vagaries such as "anomalies such as these are weird and notable" DO NOT COUNT when your conversation partner can describe EXACTLY how those "anomalies" work! Your argument is circular.

"The anomalies [DNS Requests] are notable because they are anomalous and that's what makes them notable!" is what you're saying.

While the requests in and themselves are not dangerous, they could be cover for some other activity or attack.
LIKE WHAT?!??!???????????????????????????????:br ick::bri ck::bric k:

3) The Russian state has been very involved in cyber attacks on U.S. (and allied) systems.
So this is just your gut feeling?
4) The US server in question was under the control of (at the time) a candidate for U.S. President.
No, it was assigned the primary email domain of Trump's organization. That's like saying computers at the DMV are under the control of the sitting U.S. President. Completely disingenuous and only a fool or a partisan could believe mail1.trumpemail.org would be used for all trumps conspiracy making, considering I can and have in-this-very-thread repeated the steps that the russian cyber terroracists took. How? because there's like 6 to choose from and you can run them from your own computer!

5) There are more than a few links between Trump, his team, and the Russians, including business, Government, and Intelligence.
Annnnnnnnnnd we're back to the tinfoil hat land. Shit, forgot mine again.

6) All of this adds up to this situation being worthy of investigation.
I just....I can't......I'm.......

They haven't found anything, and they may never do so. There may be nothing to find. If they do find something, Trump (or his people) could be involved or they could be victims. Just because the traffic itself appears harmless, it's possible it was a cover for something else. That's how cyber attacks work.

Everything I have written was in response to your original post- which was littered with inaacruaceis.
Inaacruaceis. lol. Was that on purpose? I really hope so.

You lack the technical knowledge to discuss this topic on anything approaching objective, and you're far too partisan to try to educate yourself and not only learn about something you literally use every day, but could help you in the future spot misinformation. Yet you name me ignorant! I really don't have another 10,000 in me words to try to explain on a functional level why my post weren't inaccuracies. Yes, I made assumptions, but if you had any functional knowledge of DNS you would see why, logically, the assumption of a WHOIS is the only thing that made sense based on the article, and why my analysis holds up even better under the other types of DNS requests. Any other DNS lookup would yield less potential for anything weird or notable.

Biased and poorly reported, I would agree. Fake, no.
So bias combined with poor reporting is still A ok in your book? Long as it agrees with your tin foil hat?

This is a mischaracterisation and misunderstanding of the article and the reality as reported by other sources.
Ok buddy, set me straight. Go on! You can do it! Use that big ol' brain of yours and pray tell the correct characterization.

Some are screaming conspiracy, true. I was, however, doing my best to explain to you and others that while it was a poorly written article, the investigation was understandable.
You still are.

The only ignorance on display was yours and your understanding of what has been reported.
I can't really dignify this with a response, on a computer forum, where presumably a large portion of our audience knows basic things about computers, and DNS, or at the very least could follow my posts. So, I'm going to go ahead and let you have this one Paco and just... whew.

I can't really argue with CNN's business model here. It has worked beautifully on you Paco.
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Mar 21, 2017, 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Snow-i View Post
I can't really argue with CNN's business model here. It has worked beautifully on you Paco.
That's really the whole point, isn't it? For 8 years conservatives were looking under every rock to find leverage against Obama, hoping they could find anything to oust, or at the very least, hamstring his ambitions, but when that failed they merely grasped at straws (like his citizen status) to keep from accepting that they were going to have to put up with him for the full term. This was fed by Fox, Drudge, Alex Jones, and a host of others, and it created a cottage industry around discontent.

Now it's the Left's turn with Russian hacking, Trump's quips, his taxes, and a whole litany of other nothingburgers, being supported by the Leftist outlets (led by CNN, TNYT, Huffpo, Buzzfeed, and the like). It's nothing more than comfort food for the out group, hoping against all odds that something, anything, being thrown against the wall will stick.
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Mar 21, 2017, 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Cap'n Tightpants View Post
That's really the whole point, isn't it? For 8 years conservatives were looking under every rock to find leverage against Obama, hoping they could find anything to oust, or at the very least, hamstring his ambitions, but when that failed they merely grasped at straws (like his citizen status) to keep from accepting that they were going to have to put up with him for the full term. This was fed by Fox, Drudge, Alex Jones, and a host of others, and it created a cottage industry around discontent.
Spot on. The sad part? That's how media makes their money is by drumming up this hysteria. The more outraged you are, the more you click their links, and the more you click their links, the more they are incentivized to poop out articles that include one disclaimer sentence and 3 pages of fantasy and speculation. "news".....ok.

Now it's the Left's turn with Russian hacking, Trump's quips, his taxes, and a whole litany of other nothingburgers, being supported by the Leftist outlets (led by CNN, TNYT, Huffpo, Buzzfeed, and the like). It's nothing more than comfort food for the out group, hoping against all odds that something, anything, being thrown against the wall will stick.
We had 8 years of it with Obama, coming from the right. We'll have at least 4 more now with Trump & the left. My question - is there any hope for rationality to win? Given the state of our society and how easy it is with technology to be intellectually dishonest/lazy.....I'm struggling to find reasons to hope that our society won't continue down this path of hyper partisanship.
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Mar 22, 2017, 09:01 AM
Theres this really nifty trick used by the right where they see two piles of crap, one the size of a mountain, one the size of a molehill and they say "Look theres two piles of crap here, isn't that terrible? The two groups responsible for these piles are as bad as each other."

On the one hand you have an experienced, charismatic, eloquent, charming, kind and compassionate man with a family that would be a conservative wet dream if they had white skin and blonde hair, who was vilified before he even did anything in the most feeble and pathetic ways imaginable.
On the other you have an unqualified, tasteless, classless, greedy, selfish, lying, opportunist, misogynist, racist, narcissistic, man-child who cares only about himself and wishes he could marry his own daughter (probably because thats as close as he could get to marrying himself), who seems likely to have colluded with the Russian government to unduly influence his own election and refuses to relinquish even a list of all his conflicts of interest let alone the conflicts themselves.

The hyper partisanship is on one side. The other side is reacting appropriately under the circumstances.
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Mar 22, 2017, 09:07 AM
More CNN talking points? Did you get this from the same folks that advise Maxine Waters?
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Mar 22, 2017, 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Waragainstsleep View Post
Theres this really nifty trick used by the right where they see two piles of crap, one the size of a mountain, one the size of a molehill and they say "Look theres two piles of crap here, isn't that terrible? The two groups responsible for these piles are as bad as each other."

On the one hand you have an experienced, charismatic, eloquent, charming, kind and compassionate man with a family that would be a conservative wet dream if they had white skin and blonde hair, who was vilified before he even did anything in the most feeble and pathetic ways imaginable.
On the other you have an unqualified, tasteless, classless, greedy, selfish, lying, opportunist, misogynist, racist, narcissistic, man-child who cares only about himself and wishes he could marry his own daughter (probably because thats as close as he could get to marrying himself), who seems likely to have colluded with the Russian government to unduly influence his own election and refuses to relinquish even a list of all his conflicts of interest let alone the conflicts themselves.

The hyper partisanship is on one side. The other side is reacting appropriately under the circumstances.
Yes. The "bigger shithead" theory.
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Mar 22, 2017, 10:53 AM
Except that what he said was layered with lies or he's incredibly deluded (I'm choosing the 3rd option, it's an equal amount of both), but he is providing a wonderful example of the blind, ignorant partisanship I was talking about. IOW, it's nothing more than salt, as he tries to deal with his frustration. Likely it'll only get worse for him soon as Article 50 is enacted.
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Mar 22, 2017, 11:13 AM
It's certainly exaggerated.
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Mar 22, 2017, 01:35 PM
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Mar 24, 2017, 03:29 PM
No idea what this means
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Mar 24, 2017, 03:36 PM
Congratulations, Nunes, I've added you to the thread!
Intel Dem blasts decision to cancel public hearing | TheHill
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Mar 24, 2017, 10:43 PM
Luckily its believed that invocation of article 50 can be revoked within the 2 year negotiation period. The lustre of Brexit is already beginning to fade as even UKIP voters are starting to go cold on the idea and the real effects haven't even begun to hit them where it will really hurt yet.
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Mar 25, 2017, 01:17 AM
Not seen examples of UKIP supporters being anti-Brexit, just the same people being trotted out by the BBC to claim they're against it now (the truth is they were never for it).
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Mar 25, 2017, 04:11 PM
I have plenty of more important things to do, if only I could bring myself to do them....
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Mar 26, 2017, 04:21 AM
Without looking at the pollster's methodology and knowing that they're trying to be unbiased, I wouldn't trust any of them anymore.
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Mar 26, 2017, 03:32 PM
fake news
Cap'n Tightpants
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Mar 26, 2017, 05:09 PM
Not fake but definitely suspect.
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Mar 27, 2017, 10:45 PM
I didn't post this weekend, thinking I could get caught up tonight. Nunes had other plans for me. While I would say this falls somewhat outside the scope of the thread, I'm leaving it in because it's just weird. Where were we?
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
Congratulations, Nunes, I've added you to the thread!
Intel Dem blasts decision to cancel public hearing | TheHill
Nunes: I had 'a duty and obligation' to brief Trump | TheHill
"I felt like I had a duty and obligation to tell him, because, as you know, he’s taking a lot of heat in the news media, and I think to some degree there are some things he should look at to see whether, in fact, he thinks the collection was proper or not,” Nunes said.
Yeah, aside from being a fellow R, no.

Then this came up with a pretty conspiracy theory story: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world...40_story.html?
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee was on his way to an event in Washington late Tuesday when the evening’s plans abruptly changed. After taking a brief phone call, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) swapped cars and slipped away from his staff, congressional officials said. He appears to have used that unaccounted-for stretch of time to review classified intelligence files brought to his attention by sources he has said he will not name.
He juked his staffers? And while missing reviewed the intel no one else has seen? That's a pretty crazy story.

This part struck me as superfluous if you're getting leaked intel:
To review classified files without breaking the law, Nunes would have needed to do so at a secure facility. Congressional officials said that the director of National Intelligence, the FBI and National Security Agency had all indicated that they got no late-night visit from Nunes, a trip that probably would have been entered in security logs.
Today: Nunes on White House grounds before monitoring claim - POLITICO
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) met a source on the “White House grounds” before making his claim last week that Trump transition aides were monitored by U.S. intelligence agencies, an aide to Nunes confirmed Monday.
“Chairman Nunes met with his source at the White House grounds in order to have proximity to a secure location where he could view the information provided by the source,” Nunes spokesman Jack Langer said in a statement Monday.
...and suddenly pieces start falling into place.

Let's not forget here, the person who gave him intel would be considered a 'illegal leaker' by the current admin.

Another important note: Not a good sign when the independent oversight is spending so much time at the White House.

Also, this shoe dropped today: Comey, Rogers appearance before House Intelligence Committee postponed | Fox News
FBI Director James Comey and NSA chief Mike Rogers are not expected to appear Tuesday at a closed hearing of the House Intelligence Committee, Fox News confirmed.

Tuesday's appearance would have followed up on the pair's open testimony last week on the topic of Russian meddling in the presidential election and the alleged mishandling of intelligence related to the Trump transition team.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and ex-CIA Director John Brennan were originally scheduled to appear during an open hearing Monday. However, Nunes canceled those appearances because he wanted to hear in private from Comey and Rogers after Nunes revealed last week he had seen incidental intercepts of Trump team communications.
So the original hearing was cancelled to make time for a different hearing that is now cancelled. Super effective.

Naturally, we're seeing some serious calls for recusal.
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Mar 27, 2017, 10:48 PM
You too, Kush?
Jared Kushner met Russia's Vnesheconombank CEO - Business Insider
President Donald Trump's son-in-law and top adviser, Jared Kushner, met with the CEO of Russia's state-owned Vnesheconombank in December 2016, The New York Times reported on Monday.

The meeting — which had not previously been disclosed and came on the heels of Kushner's meeting with Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak, at Trump Tower — recently caught the eye of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election and whether any members of Trump's campaign were complicit.

Kislyak reportedly orchestrated the meeting between Kushner and Vnesheconombank CEO Sergey N. Gorkov, who was appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in January 2016 as part of a restructuring of the bank's management team, Bloomberg reported last year.
Occam's razor: It's business related, not election related.

Conspiracy stuff: Trump TV surrogate Boris Epshteyn leaving White House, officials confirm | Fox News
Only noteworthy because this guy also supposedly had Russian connection, but considering this is his first mention in the thread, it's probably a coincidence.
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Mar 28, 2017, 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
You too, Kush? [...]

Occam's razor: It's business related, not election related.
What's Occam's razor about it? Trump and his family benefitting financially from him being President is one of the core issues at hand. Jared Kushner got an unusually favorable deal with some Chinese companies, a deal that included forgiving 80 % of a loan and $400 million.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
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Mar 28, 2017, 09:30 AM
Rumor has it the public hearing was cancelled because Sally Yates would have had some testimony that would have revealed the trump admin lied about what they knew when about Flynn. Nothing too nefarious.
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Mar 28, 2017, 09:44 AM
Mines has cancelled all committee meetings for the week.
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Mar 28, 2017, 10:33 AM
Do you mean mines or yours?
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Mar 28, 2017, 10:47 AM
iPhone master slagging on my shit skills
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Mar 28, 2017, 11:47 AM
My real skill is noticing.
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Mar 28, 2017, 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by OreoCookie View Post
What's Occam's razor about it? Trump and his family benefitting financially from him being President is one of the core issues at hand. Jared Kushner got an unusually favorable deal with some Chinese companies, a deal that included forgiving 80 % of a loan and $400 million.
It's different from his team possibly coordinating on the election or sanctions. This is gross in a different, but expected way.
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Mar 28, 2017, 04:15 PM
FBI says Comey was never officially requested to appear for that cancelled meeting today. A few hours later, Nunes spokesman said they had tried to get him back in.

The amount of clarifications and backpeddling is amazing
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Mar 28, 2017, 04:57 PM
@Reuters: UPDATE: Nunes says he will not share his intelligence sources with other members of committee.… https://t.co/qdQlI0C1tl
How long can he keep this up? Either he's going to meltdown or flee from all the attention and pressure.
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Mar 29, 2017, 11:19 PM
While some of the unproven claims attributed in the dossier to Millian are bizarre and outlandish, there are also indications that he had contacts with Trump’s circle.
Some of those who know Millian described him as more of a big-talking schmoozer than a globe-trotting interlocutor. They say he’s a self-promoter with a knack for getting himself on television
He told the Russian state-operated news agency RIA Novosti last April, for instance, that he met Trump at a Miami horse-racing track after “mutual associates” had organized a trip for Trump to Moscow in 2007.

Millian’s description of the Miami event appears to match up with a picture he posted on Facebook that appears to show him posing with Trump and the project’s developer, Jorge Pérez — the only evidence that Millian ever met Trump.
In the interview with RIA Novosti, Millian boasted that when he was in New York, Trump introduced him to his “right-hand man,” Michael Cohen, a longtime Trump adviser — a claim that Cohen has denied.

While Cohen has said he has never met Millian, the two did interact last year over Twitter. Millian was, for a time, one of about 100 people that Cohen followed and they tweeted at each other on one occasion in August after Cohen appeared on television.
“He is a total phony,” Cohen said in an interview. “Anything coming out of this individual’s mouth is inaccurate and purely part of some deranged interest in having his name in the newspaper.”
I don't trust the guy, but I believe Cohen here. This guy sounds like Trump – a grandiose bullshitter. If he's the lynchpin of the Trump dossier, then I think it's going to be mostly bunk.
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Mar 30, 2017, 11:16 PM
Mike Flynn Offers to Testify in Exchange for Immunity
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
(Or will it be blue balls again?)
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Mar 31, 2017, 11:20 AM
Analysis/word seems to be that if Flynn really had something he wouldn't be begging in public. Sounds like a Hail Mary to protect himself.

Looks like he got turned down, at least for the time being.

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Mar 31, 2017, 11:23 AM
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Mar 31, 2017, 01:21 PM
There's a very similar plot line to this in the latest season of "Homeland" on Showtime. Art imitating life? Of life imitating art?

If it seems like your family members living in key swing states were more swept up in anti-Hillary Clinton fake news than others during the 2016 election, Russian trolls may have been involved.

According to two members of the Senate Intelligence committee, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and committee chairman Richard Burr (R-NC), hundreds of Russian trolls were paid in 2016 to generate fake news stories about Clinton and target them at voters in key states in an effort to swing the election for Trump.

"There were upwards of a thousand paid internet trolls working out of a facility in Russia, in effect taking over a series of computers which are then called a botnet, that can then generate news down to specific areas," Warner said.

While he indicated investigators were still trying to figure out exactly what places the trolls were targeting, Warner mentioned they were exploring possible targeting of three states that helped swing the election for Donald Trump: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Those three states were later the subject of a failed recount attempt by Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

And, the senators warned, the Russians aren't done. Burr said that it looks like the Russians are being much more overt than they were in 2016 in their attempts to affect the outcome of key elections in Germany and France.

"We feel part of our responsibility," Burr said, "is to educate the rest of the world."

Not surprisingly, Germany has signed on for a new Facebook effort to tag fake news on the social media site, a feature that's recently rolled out in the U.S. after the platform faced heavy criticism for the proliferation of fake news throughout the election.
Army of Russian trolls reportedly targeted swing states with anti-Clinton fake news | Mashable.com

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Mar 31, 2017, 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
I have a feeling that'll be getting some use
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Mar 31, 2017, 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by OAW View Post
There's a very similar plot line to this in the latest season of "Homeland" on Showtime. Art imitating life? Of life imitating art?

Army of Russian trolls reportedly targeted swing states with anti-Clinton fake news | Mashable.com

Sounds like Correct the Record
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Apr 3, 2017, 09:09 AM
What will happen to Susan Rice and Janet Lynch? leaking all the private citizens identities going back to June 2016 at least.
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Apr 4, 2017, 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by BadKosh View Post
What will happen to Susan Rice and Janet Lynch? leaking all the private citizens identities going back to June 2016 at least.
Start a new thread if you want to try and deflect.
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Apr 4, 2017, 07:56 PM
Blackwater Founder Repped Trump at Secret Meeting Overseas: Sources - NBC News
One U.S. intelligence official confirmed the Post's account to NBC News, saying the meeting was with a Russian envoy. According to intelligence reports filed at the time, no Trump transition people were directly involved and it is unclear if the meeting was undertaken on behalf of Trump's people or was a UAE initiative, the official said.
The only part of this that interests me is that Prince is Devos' brother.
The Final Dakar  (op)
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Apr 5, 2017, 08:04 PM
Trump campaign adviser Carter Page targeted by Russian spies - ABC News
Two years before joining the Trump campaign as a foreign policy adviser, New York business consultant Carter Page was targeted for recruitment as an intelligence source by Russian spies promising favors for business opportunities in Russia, according to a sealed FBI complaint.
"I didn't want to be a spy," he said in an interview early Monday afternoon. "I'm not a spy."
This guy is a total stooge, possibly unwittingly.
Clinically Insane
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Apr 6, 2017, 12:22 PM
I've been hearing for awhile this guy is the lynchpin.
The Final Dakar  (op)
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Apr 6, 2017, 12:39 PM
He feels like Kato Kaelin to Trumps OJ
Clinically Insane
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Apr 6, 2017, 12:40 PM
Glove would probably fit Trump's hands.
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Apr 6, 2017, 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
Trump campaign adviser Carter Page targeted by Russian spies - ABC News

This guy is a total stooge, possibly unwittingly.
This should at least make Podesta feel a bit better about his terrible opsec.
The Final Dakar  (op)
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Apr 12, 2017, 03:15 PM
Manafort is registering as a foreign agent now.

(Also Carter Page had a FISA on him early last year)
The Final Dakar  (op)
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Apr 21, 2017, 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
Blackwater Founder Repped Trump at Secret Meeting Overseas: Sources - NBC News

The only part of this that interests me is that Prince is Devos' brother.
According to people familiar with his activities, Prince entered Trump Tower through the back, like others who wanted to avoid the media spotlight, and huddled with members of the president-elect’s team to discuss intelligence and security issues.
The Final Dakar  (op)
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May 11, 2017, 01:31 PM
I am so behind on this thread.

...and a lot of other threads.
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May 11, 2017, 02:36 PM

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe has also agreed to refrain from updating the White House about an investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election.

But McCabe said he can’t comment on President Trump’s claim that Comey assured Trump that he wasn’t under investigation.
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