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Car Talk (Page 41)
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subego  (op)
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Aug 19, 2024, 02:38 PM
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Aug 19, 2024, 04:34 PM
I don't get it, Subego. You just turned-over 30,000 miles?
subego  (op)
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Aug 19, 2024, 04:40 PM
Yup. Took 9 years.
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Aug 19, 2024, 05:12 PM

We typically put 30k on cars in about a year-and-a-half, at most.
subego  (op)
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Aug 19, 2024, 10:03 PM
A genuine advantage of city living in the right location.

I have all the essentials in walking distance, including a major train station which can get me straight arrow to all the other lines in the city excepting the one out to O’Hare. For that branch of the line I have to double back. In terms of access it’s one of the best stations in the city that isn’t downtown.
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subego  (op)
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Sep 1, 2024, 01:00 PM
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Sep 2, 2024, 08:09 AM
Obviously a fake. It isn’t on fire.
subego  (op)
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Sep 2, 2024, 05:00 PM
Also fake because people almost universally like it.
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Sep 3, 2024, 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
I'm not so sure, if I were interested in buying it, I'd check if it was bullet proof first Oh, and I'd try to throw a steel ball bearing through the window.
( Last edited by OreoCookie; Sep 3, 2024 at 03:08 PM. )
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Sep 3, 2024, 06:53 PM
I saw a meme today that I believe: raccoons are breaking into CTs because they appear to confuse them with dumpsters. Yeah, I buy that.

Glenn -----OTR/L, MOT, Tx
subego  (op)
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Sep 6, 2024, 10:20 AM
Does anyone still use radar detectors, or are there too many false positives from other cars?
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Sep 6, 2024, 01:33 PM
I use one on highway trips. Don't bother on familiar roads nearby. This lets me concentrate on the roads and other drivers during long trips.

X-band is worthless, always false. So I use the City setting to partially mute it, even on a highway. My detector doesn't have a way to turn X off completely.
K isn't used by Highway Patrol here, so hits are rare.
Ka is used by CA Highway Patrol. Generally accurate, though you sometimes can't pick out an unmarked cop car if it's going the other way. Readings go up, then back down.
Ku is not FCC licensed for radar use in the USA - it's more of a Europe thing.
Laser is always real. No false alarms.

Being set off by other cars hasn't been much of a problem for me. It's happened a few times, but my detector is new enough (10yo?) to screen those out well.

Mine isn't new enough to pick up detector-detectors. Supposedly the cops now have those, where they can tell if a car has a running radar detector inside. And recent detectors can alert to such a scanner. It's not important in the US anyway, as detectors are legal. If you are in Canada, running a detector is good for a fine, so this feature lets you turn off your detector before you get nailed. Hopefully.

Overall, false alarms are probably around 50% on the highway, mostly X-band. My impression is that X-band is only used by very old radars, something a small-town cop might have lying around. So if I shopped for a new detector, I'd look for one that allows X to be turned off completely. Mine has a City setting that mutes it until it hits 3- or 4-bars. This isn't enough, as the hits have always been false.
subego  (op)
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Sep 6, 2024, 02:01 PM
All good info! Thank you!

It didn’t occur to me until reading your post that I shou… umm, I mean the person this is for should gather intelligence on the methods used by relevant agencies. Interstates are generally going to be state police hunting grounds, correct?

The thing is, it might not be necessary. The important stretch is a toll road, and I’ve never seen a stationary cop.

My friend hasn’t seen one either. Both of us.

Edit: Google says the Illinois State Police use Ka.
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Sep 7, 2024, 07:32 AM
I always assumed that if I ever got pulled over and the officer saw a radar detector, there's a 0% chance of leniency or a warning, it was ticket time. I'm usually pretty lucky with warnings.

I just use Waze. The one time in the last 10 years that I've gotten a ticket, Waze told me there were police ahead so I knew it was coming, but what I didn't realize is that my speed was currently being measured by aircraft, and the marked police locations were the multiple state troopers pulling over cars already marked by aircraft.
subego  (op)
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Sep 7, 2024, 09:59 AM
I was taught to chuck it under the seat if you get pulled over, but obviously only if it can be done without drawing attention.

The Pimp my Ride place I go to will build them in.

Was the plane in Iowa? I feel Indiana does that too.
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Sep 7, 2024, 11:17 AM
I know Indiana used to use airplanes wayyyy back in the day, but I don’t think they do anymore. The ISP has a ton of unmarked vehicles though. Cars, trucks, and SUVs.
subego  (op)
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Sep 7, 2024, 12:45 PM
I’m way out of date then. Steve Dahl used to complain about them driving to Michigan.

For people not familiar with Chicago radio, Dahl is Chicago’s Howard Stern.
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Sep 8, 2024, 07:14 AM
Steve Dahl complaining? Say it’s not true!
subego  (op)
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Sep 8, 2024, 12:56 PM
I was thinking he’d complain about being called Chicago’s Howard Stern.

At least back in the day. He’d probably be flattered by it now.
subego  (op)
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Sep 8, 2024, 03:31 PM
Had someone back into me today. Been a looooong since that last happened.

Scraped up my bumper. Benefit of utility vehicles: not really caring about it.
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Sep 9, 2024, 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
I was taught to chuck it under the seat if you get pulled over, but obviously only if it can be done without drawing attention.
I like this solution the worst. It might be better in a cargo van where they can't see you shuffling around through the rear window, but I think the only thing worse than having a radar detector is suspiciously hiding shit in the car. Is it weed? Is it a gun? Cops probably don't love that.

The Pimp my Ride place I go to will build them in.
I like that solution the best.

Was the plane in Iowa? I feel Indiana does that too.
Yeah, coming home from Kansas City, I-35 south of Des Moines.

Picked up a new (to me) vehicle last week. The truck was always supposed to be a spare vehicle but due to 2021 it ended up being a main vehicle. My wife thought it should be nicer and I've been keeping my eyes peeled for a while and jumped on a local deal.

This one has heated/cooled seats, a heated steering wheel, miles more rear legroom for the kids, good headlights, it's quiet, and so far I'm averaging 5mpg better in town.

I'm trying to ditch the old one on Marketplace but most of what I've gotten so far are lowballs for less than half my asking price.
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Sep 9, 2024, 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Does anyone still use radar detectors, or are there too many false positives from other cars?
I have the same one from back in my Neon days. It's paid for itself so many times... but today...yeah, rarely gets used. So many cars have adaptive cruise that it just constantly goes off. And most highway patrol are using laser these days, and if your detector goes off, they have already got you.

Waze is the best defense.
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Sep 9, 2024, 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Laminar View Post

This one has heated/cooled seats, a heated steering wheel, miles more rear legroom for the kids, good headlights, it's quiet, and so far I'm averaging 5mpg better in town.
cooled seats are a game changer.
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Sep 9, 2024, 09:41 PM
Big fan of the air conditioned seats, especially with hot black leather in the summer. (Although it does feel a little like you peed your pants.) And warming them up in the winter is just a first-world bare necessity at this point.

I guess what I’m saying is that cloth seats kind of rule. But the first time you spill something…
Mankind's only chance is to harness the power of stupid.
subego  (op)
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Sep 9, 2024, 10:02 PM
Yeah… I have cloth seats, so the lack of heating/cooling isn’t too awful. They do have stains. I honestly have no idea from what.
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Sep 10, 2024, 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
They do have stains. I honestly have no idea from what.
Do you really want to know?
If you are a salty sweater, it could be salt. When I cycle in the summer, especially when I used to live in Japan, I'd have white stains on my jersery.
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Sep 10, 2024, 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Thorzdad View Post
Steve Dahl complaining? Say it’s not true!
Ah, Steve Dahl. I listened to him on Detroit’s WWWW. He had a whole raft of characters that made the spaces between songs at least tolerable.

He moved to Chicago in 1978. And in mid-1979 he did a “promotion” at Comiskey Park during a White Sox - Tigers Game called Disco Demolition Night. I’m surprised he wasn’t tarred and feathered for that.

Glenn -----OTR/L, MOT, Tx
subego  (op)
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Sep 10, 2024, 03:13 PM
He talked about how he did all the characters because he was alone in the studio and was reduced to bantering with himself. Once he found a partner in Chicago he dropped a lot of them but came up with some new ones. Anthony (Italian guy) stuck around. I don’t know if he had Tyrone (angry black guy) doing traffic reports from a helicopter. That character voice plus a pitch-shifter taking him up a couple octaves became Blackie the Affirmative Action Christmas elf.

With his partner he created “The Corn Borers of Southern Illinois”. Hillbilly, redneck characters. Highlights of their appearances were cruising truck stops for gay sex and accidentally blowing their “tallywhackers” off with bootleg fireworks.

It was a different time.
subego  (op)
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Sep 11, 2024, 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by OreoCookie View Post
Do you really want to know?
If you are a salty sweater, it could be salt. When I cycle in the summer, especially when I used to live in Japan, I'd have white stains on my jersery.
I do sweat like an MFer, not usually salty though. It looks like it could be a salt stain, but that seems unlikely because it’s in the “drink between the legs” spot.
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Sep 11, 2024, 12:00 PM
sweat + too much detergent in your wash?
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Sep 17, 2024, 11:03 AM
Had some excitement on Sunday, had a U-Haul trailer tire explode going down the interstate, as I came to a stop I saw flames blowing out of the hub.

Looks like the hub failed, overheated, set its own grease on fire, then melted the tire until it exploded.

U-Haul's roadside assistance wasn't able to fix it so he just took the trailer and left me there, 75 miles from home. Wife brought her dad and we drove all of the cars home, only 4 hours late!

On the plus side the race car managed 20.4mpg on the way home, which is way more than I expected it to get considering I've never done any sort of highway efficiency tuning on this engine configuration, just closed loop fueling taking it to stoichiometric.
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Sep 18, 2024, 12:03 PM
glad you got home safe!
subego  (op)
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Sep 21, 2024, 02:38 PM
So, can’t drive for at least 3 months. What’s a good routine for non-driven cars?
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Sep 21, 2024, 04:06 PM
Battery will die if not turned on and at least idled for 30 min every couple weeks? judging from pandemic dead batteries.
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Sep 21, 2024, 04:33 PM
Yes, put a battery trickle charger or maintainer on it. If the van is parked inside, crack a window for ventilation and you're done. Oh, and check for anything perishable left inside. Groceries that fell behind something, etc.

If parked outside in sunlight, check the wipers at the end.
subego  (op)
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Sep 22, 2024, 03:45 PM
It’s in a garage, but gets direct sunlight through a window for a couple hours a day. I’d probably go new blades in about December normally. Aquapel too if I’m not being lazy.

The 10th was the last it was driven. I figure do my first trickle charge in a couple days.

If I’ve got the battery covered, any reason to actually start it?
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Sep 22, 2024, 06:20 PM
I've occasionally let a pickup go unstarted for a couple months. Other than dead battery, it seemed fine.

If you were storing decades, I'd recommend a start & idle every six months. Maybe a drive to the store & back. But 3 months? I'd just leave a 1-amp maintainer on it all the time.
subego  (op)
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Sep 23, 2024, 01:08 PM

I was confused and thought the venting was being suggested for idling, not battery gasses.

I must admit, I’ve never vented when I trickle charge.
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Sep 23, 2024, 01:37 PM

I meant, crack a window on the car, so odors don't build up inside during the extended offtime. If the car were parked outside though, a cracked window would invite people to try and jimmy the car open.

A battery maintainer will be 1-amp or less. Battery gasses shouldn't be an issue, as technically, it isn't even charging the battery. It's powering the electronics and keeping the battery at full.
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Sep 23, 2024, 02:04 PM
Ah! I’m always finding new ways to misunderstand things!

I smoke in my garage, so cracking a window would only make things worse.
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Oct 7, 2024, 02:50 PM
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Oct 8, 2024, 09:54 AM
My daily driver since November 2007...
one post closer to five stars
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Oct 9, 2024, 09:17 AM
Had a fun service loaner yesterday.

The service loaner:

Not sure if you're supposed to take the roof and doors off of a loaner but I wasn't not going to do it :yay:

Not sure if you're supposed to go offroad in a loaner but I wasn't not going to do it :yay:

The 6yo was delighted when I picked her up from school with no roof or doors. We ran home, slammed the doors back on, and drove over to the dealer with no roof (20 minutes on 55mph highways). While I filled up at the gas station I popped the roof panels back on and swapped back to my truck.

The Gladiator might be one of the worst vehicles I've ever driven. The seat was so bad - it felt tilted forward even at the least-tilted setting, I had lower back pain after only 20 minutes in there. The tires were loud, the engine was loud, everything was loud. Well, except for the stereo. At max volume, I still couldn't hear it on the highway with the roof off. The steering wouldn't correct on-center, it liked to wander and drift. The interior was cramped, my head bumped the roll bar and the door strap rubbed on my leg. When my daughter went to climb in she mentioned how tiny it was in the back, too. At low speeds I could feel every lug of the M/T tires individually touching the pavement.

It was shocking getting back into my F-150 - roomier, quieter, smoother, better stereo, way faster, way better mpg...and it's invisible. If you want people to notice you and look and smile and wave then a gray F-150 is not the ticket.

All of that being said, on a day where it's 77 degrees and sunny, there might not be a more fun vehicle to bomb around town in, waving at all of the other Jeep peeps. Kids stared and waved, some guy in a diesel truck made barking noises at me as he passed me, it was great. I can't imagine having to live with this thing every day, but if I'm ever in a place where I can throw away money on a stupid joke that's only usable a fraction of time (he says that and he currently has two racecars...) then maybe...like...a manual 2-door Bronco would be the ticket.
subego  (op)
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Oct 9, 2024, 09:23 AM
Is it possible it’s been poorly maintained?
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Oct 9, 2024, 10:54 AM
loaner cars can either be a good advertisement for the service you will be getting, or the owner's spare vehicle they let their teen kids tool around with on weekends.

Sounds both fun and annoying.
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Oct 9, 2024, 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
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Oct 9, 2024, 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Is it possible it’s been poorly maintained?
It was brand new with 29 miles on it when I got it. It's a function of Jeep's solid front axle on the Wrangler and Gladiator. Great for slowly crawling over rocks, terrible for literally anything else. There's a reason the new Bronco, the 4Runner, the Land Cruiser, and most Range Rovers except for the Defender all switched to independent front suspensions over the solid axle, it's just too compromised.
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Oct 23, 2024, 08:28 AM
Had another loaner, a 2024 F-150 with Ford's BlueCruise.

The first time I got on the interstate it let me know that "hands-free" driving was available, so I turned it on. After about 10 seconds I was completely comfortable letting it do everything and just fiddled with the radio instead of paying attention to the road. If you want to change lanes, tap the turn signal stalk and the truck will change lanes for you. It has a camera watching your eyes to make sure you're looking at the road. Most of the time when it got mad at me for looking away, it was because I was checking my blind spots before asking it to change lanes.

Ford's implementation is geo-fenced and it only offers the feature on approved roads, which are mainly divided highways.
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Oct 23, 2024, 10:07 AM
I'm fine with geofenced autonomous driving. But I want to be able to get in the back seat and go to to sleep, while it drives on our mind numbingly boring divided highways that span most of this country.
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Oct 23, 2024, 01:00 PM
Yeah, the "half-measures" where you don't have to be mentally engaged in driving because it's mostly autonomous but you're still expected to take over at any second when the system gives up aren't awesome.

The system got confused once in a construction zone - the onramp merged into my lane but they hadn't painted any sort of divider between my lane and the shrinking onramp, so the truck tried to center itself between the line on the left side of my lane and the shrinking onramp. After a few seconds it gave up and made me take over.

I also saw comments from a couple years ago when it first came out about how if you, say, went under a bridge, and that bridge was one of the roads that allowed BlueCruise, your vehicle would enable BlueCruise, but only for a couple of seconds, then turn it right back off. Like it was geo-fenced to GPS coordinates and not actually the road you were driving on. I think they have that cleared up by now.

The other downside is that BlueCruise is a subscription service. When you buy the car new you can pay for 3 years of "access," but then you have to keep paying if you want it. Just a way for companies to squeeze more profits out. Though at least it's a feature with (in theory) continuous improvements. Better than charging a subscription for heated seats or CarPlay.
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