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  1. [SETI] ATTENTION Kojaxs
  2. DF early benchmarks - reader & scott
  3. Folding questions
  4. woohoo!
  5. We finally got a forum :)
  6. unifying user names
  7. Look at this thread!!
  8. YES!!! TOP TEN
  9. Question for Moof
  10. More computers!
  11. Team MacNN Seti@home W/U Milestones
  12. Welcome @Once!!!
  13. Team MacNN has 90 members!
  14. S@H concept catching on!!
  15. Message for ddiokno
  16. Let's keep this to ourselves�
  17. running SETI on an iBook?
  18. LibMotoSh
  19. Team MacNN is getting very close...
  20. Nice Seti@Home Page
  21. incredible work units...
  22. Automatic Dialup Script?
  23. a taste of my own medicine
  24. cheap way to get more units done
  25. Number 200
  26. Seti on ten?
  27. Is the client taking advantage of Altivec?
  28. Question and Admiration for jbiga!
  29. Seti@Home Client v.3.0 Beta Preview
  30. Just got the Ok from Berkeley!!
  31. CNN.com Article
  32. How do you get those fast scores?!
  33. bah....
  34. seti servers down?
  35. add my name
  36. SETI w/ older macs
  37. When do you think we'll...
  38. Team MacNN's Rank Bar
  39. LibMotoSh tested on SETI@home, and failed
  40. TEAM MacNN'ers: MEET at MWNY!!
  41. Brag about your SETI@home screamers and times!
  42. bleh
  43. Multiple Processor aware?
  44. SETI on DP4 (repost from OS X forum)
  45. weirdness with seti@home beta 3
  46. talk about multiprocessors... heh
  47. swizzle stick?
  48. lost WUs
  49. no change to status page for how long?
  50. Hey guys...a little help..this benefits you!
  51. Black Monday!! (7/31)
  52. SETI on an abacus
  53. SETI "Cruncher of the Week" awards
  54. SETI@home gets new funding, will continue
  55. SETI on Darwin
  56. New Recruit
  57. if...
  58. 200+!!!!!
  59. New Dual 500 G4
  60. no screen saver
  61. What's this dividing by zero error?
  62. AltiVec enabled Seti@Home client?
  63. Performance, etc.
  64. Account Merger
  65. 100/100
  66. Weird message?
  67. Crunching data in Michigan's Upper Peninsula
  68. Need SETI Ammunition to counter PC Attacker!
  69. Seti on PC....
  70. what the...?
  71. sorry...
  72. Kill my average?
  73. Speed bump?
  74. hellew
  75. Virtual PC
  76. MacOS X and Multiple CPU?
  77. Getting Seti on OS X Beta
  78. Overclockers Network
  79. 3.0 coming soon?
  80. SETIlogger 1.3 beta testers
  81. speeding up on a iMacDV SE
  82. Weird Error as it was sending a block......
  83. we are now ranked 61!!!
  84. seit@home on OSX Beta
  85. ET?
  86. new SETI client 3.0 released
  87. X Client
  88. 3.0 FAST!!!
  89. Can't join TeamMacnn
  90. Changing groups...SETIlogger 2.0
  91. Request suggestions to enhance SETI performance
  92. is there another cpu hoggin app?
  93. "officially" ranked 60!
  94. Hack out icon in menu bar
  95. [ANN] SETI UNiT Manager 3.0b1
  96. Additional OS X Client Problems....
  97. Question to Bockie and other A & B owners
  98. SETI Down?
  99. Teams within teams?
  100. just joined..help optimize me!!
  101. Optimization page?
  102. Seti units now all the same?
  103. Hacking the Forum
  104. This is a constructive thread, do not spasmatically delete it!!!
  105. Just a question!
  106. We're #115!
  107. An olive branch
  108. Club Teams list is updated
  109. There is quite a difference between screenshots and hacking
  110. I read your user agreement, now quit deleting my posts
  111. Hacking - Please read (non inflamatory)
  112. Cut the crap...
  113. Performance Help!!
  114. new mod?
  115. Where's wlonh?!?
  116. Workunit milestones
  117. Up to #59
  118. SETI server is temporarily down
  119. Explanation of graphics
  120. Who is "jbiga"?
  121. Problems with RAM disk and 3.0?
  122. Adjust RAM allocation to SETI3?
  123. SETI 3.00 not connecting
  124. Using OS X to Regain your 2.04 client speed
  125. Sure is quiet in here....
  126. Seti3 won't run in the background?
  127. This will increase your WU production by a lot
  128. Just stated doing Seti...
  129. Seti@home@68K
  130. passed Brasil
  131. lost WU while connecting...
  132. 9.1's Effect on Seti
  133. Updated Team MacNN ranking
  134. You guys are in 100th place?
  135. 30 hours on iMac rev.B Is it normal?
  136. You can check last 10 units again
  137. We now have 166,000+ Work Units?
  138. Weird **** from OCN
  139. seanyepez
  140. Rankings data
  141. admins? a request
  142. What's your Seti name?
  143. SETI 3 on OS 8 vs OS 9
  144. Getting the CLI version to work in X
  145. Error (-50;0)
  146. Seti Driver on PC
  147. seti@home 3.0.3
  148. Idea on how to speed up Seti v3.x for 1 meg cache users...
  149. It dosent make sense
  150. It dosent make sense
  151. RAM Disk for PC
  152. If SETI would update the standings�
  153. How do I use multiple computers?
  154. Just saying hi
  155. MacOS 9, 3.03, and Ram Disk
  156. New 3.03 command line client
  157. Really green question
  158. We have over 500 members!
  159. A merry merry christmas
  160. 140+ hours for a PM6100???
  161. What happened to my seti?
  162. Say 'Hello' to your new member!
  163. aim/icq folks'es
  164. How many units do you do per month?
  165. How do we compare....
  166. They are among us
  167. Mac 2.04 Client Locked Out as of This Morning
  168. 200K Workunits!
  169. SETI server problems
  170. 3.0 & 3.03/3.04
  171. OS 9.1 and SETI 3: call for information
  172. is keyser okay?
  173. weird seti screenshot
  174. SETI 3.03 is not...
  175. Seti no longer gives me units for 3.0
  176. Berkeley is telling us not to crunch WUs!!!
  177. about this 3.0.3 version
  178. Average WU time on G4/400?
  179. Tracking progress
  180. Cheating with hacked clients!
  181. New SETI Utility
  182. coming up to 2000,,,er,,,2001
  183. SETI Groups stats unavailable
  184. SETI goes Hollywood
  185. HISTORY of Team MacNN ?
  186. Does SETI use alti-vec?
  187. Greetings from another team
  188. Need More Power!
  189. Ram disk is slower then hard drive
  190. jbiga
  191. Where's Danometer?
  192. New Computer Not Fast Enough?
  193. RC5 and Mac POWER!
  194. Not working as of this morning...
  195. They're baaaaaackkk....
  196. Berkeley's Optic Nerve - not blinded again?
  197. Comments/Suggestions for new site
  198. i'm 18!...and i don't know what i want....
  199. RC5 News
  200. Welcome to RC5 Team MacNN!!!
  201. Other pay to process programs
  202. WOW! apple computer stats
  203. Well It's About Time! ;)
  204. Can't post to any other S@H topics.
  205. RC5 Team MacNN Status Log
  206. how much bandwith does it use per day?
  207. Stat Page Not Updating?
  208. Unusual Work Unit
  209. Getting RC5 and/or SETI to run under OSX
  210. RC5 Password
  211. I have no idea what I'm doing!
  212. I can't figure out the download!
  213. SETI@Home on OS X
  214. I'm Dense. What's the diff between SETI@home and RC5?
  215. I am Unix illiterate
  216. 3.03 now on OS X!
  217. :confused: Seti on mac vs pc
  218. Hello Team!
  219. Joining the team
  220. OS X SETI Dockling
  221. What is our RC5 philanthropy?
  222. Is SETI server down again?
  223. 16-20 hour average...what's wrong?
  224. RC5 Team MacNN needs more members
  225. Seti is not taking my units
  226. RC5 keyserver?
  227. I just joined, and a Q. about RC5
  228. Doesn't anybody care about SETI anymore?
  229. Just wanted to say...
  230. SETI is dead, RC5 is the way to go
  231. Folding@Home OS X version
  232. No more webpage updates?!?
  233. dntec RC5 Mac OS X client
  234. seti newbie question
  235. seti newbie question
  236. I'm 18!...again
  237. Poll: How many machines running SETI?
  238. RC5 Update & Talk
  239. shun our alien overlords
  240. step by step install for OSX?
  241. OSX Speed
  242. How long wiil they wait for a unit
  243. OK, so we have detected an Alien signal...
  244. What changes do we want?
  245. SETI crunchers, beware!
  246. My gains and losses :(
  247. Roll Call
  248. rc5 help w/setup
  249. Looking for someone to maintain the team website
  250. Need some advice on how to get shorter crunch times