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  1. why didn't they make dv 24 fps?
  2. Benchmark result: Dual-1Ghz G4 encoding MPEG2 (iDVD)
  3. Real Player - Quicktime
  4. Where is QT 4?
  5. info window
  6. info window
  7. info window
  8. info window
  9. what about flash in qt4?
  10. Bugs?
  11. Error 454
  12. QT4 & Control Strip
  13. QT for Windows & Netscape
  14. Quickdraw 3D officially abandoned?
  15. MP3 Playback
  16. Downloading QT4
  17. MP3 and QT4 plug-in
  18. QT4 Install with Firewall
  19. Mp3 problem & Losing my address book in netscape!
  20. importing audio CD tracks.
  21. Interface Goofs . . .
  22. TypeReunion
  23. Premiere Capture and QT4
  24. What about controlling the QT plug-in with Javascript
  25. QT4 and RA5 at 56K: QT4 won
  26. Shuffle for MP3s and Movies
  27. error 39
  28. Streaming video/audio SUCKS!
  29. URL for Live Streaming using Quicktime Player
  30. Windows NT installation
  31. QT 4.0, volume control, file names!
  32. Can't export to MPEG...
  33. QT 4 Controller for SWF files
  34. QT4 and NAV
  35. ROUTERS!!!!
  36. Installer Bug
  37. AppleScript support missing?
  38. EditDV + QT 4 = death
  39. Pros/Cons of QT4 beta
  40. DL failure midway
  41. New "Active Installer"
  42. 2507c
  43. QT and XclaimVR
  44. Code Fragment Error
  45. The REAL QT 4
  46. Vanishing control strip act with QT 4.
  47. QT4 is incredible
  48. Poor Sound/Code Errors
  49. RTP/RTSP and UDP data
  50. MacAmp/Quicktime player Problems
  51. poster frame
  52. QT4 mutes when switching to other apps?
  53. QT4 & AVI Files - No Video Track
  54. Streaming crashes system every time
  55. File names on Favorites
  56. Collapesing window
  57. MP3 info
  58. QT4 in Flavors
  59. QT4 Time change
  60. can't play MPEG II files anymore
  61. playback of mp3, etc. choppy compared to SoundAPP
  62. Startup Movie crashing
  63. Soundsets effected...?
  64. Bugs
  65. UNREAL doesn't work with QT4, uninstaller doesn't complete the job
  66. Too harsh on the Beta?
  67. Yep, More Requests ...
  68. QT4 + 8.6 works, post info here.
  69. AUDIO MPEG1 LayerII reamnent BUG
  70. Poor quality sound in Quake with QT4
  71. Playlist... HELLO APPLE
  72. Reduction in 16bit image quality
  73. QT4 streaming video is "improved"
  74. Can't download Quicktime 4
  75. Get real about streaming, guys!!
  76. Problems with Adobe Type Reunion
  77. Hell with Avid
  78. Quicktime4 Expired?
  79. Live Feed in Stand Alone Player??????
  80. Who else would like to see the CD Player rolled in to the new QT Player...?
  81. Inconsistant Interface
  82. Can�t play MP3 files.
  83. QT4/Toast 3.5.6 Bug?
  84. QT4 + DVD Problems
  85. Fox News Streaming
  86. NAT (ipnetrouter, vicomsoft): how to setup?
  87. Downloading with a cable
  88. SCSI slide scanner conflict?
  89. Apple Product Without Nav Services?
  90. worse movieplay performance
  91. Adding Favourites
  92. Some sound problems in QT4 and a question
  93. QT4 needs MP3 translators
  94. Increasing size of streaming buffer?
  95. Problems and work arounds
  96. QuickTime on Windows NT
  97. QT4 on Windows
  98. QT4 doesn't work with http proxies
  99. QT4 audio quits
  100. Wouldn't you like streaming MP3s in QT?
  101. Missing Play All feature
  102. id3 tag implementation
  103. Humble Requests
  104. How do you play MP3 streams from online radio?
  105. QT4 and MPEG1 video
  106. Fixing MP3 playback!
  107. The reason why streaming is looks awful is...
  108. QuickTime 4.0 and Peak 2.0
  109. QT 4 installer and Proxy Server
  110. Unreal dose not work with Rage128
  111. Unreal doesn't work with anything...
  112. Whats new about the Star Wars trailer?
  113. Quicktime 4.0b33
  114. CD Track Extracting doesnt' work
  115. What happened to scripting in QuickTime?
  116. Network admins discriminating QT4 Streaming worldwide
  117. CodeWarrior vs. QT4?
  118. QT4 Streaming Troubles
  119. Bloomberg is now working great
  120. Quicktime 4 broadcast in sync with slide
  121. IxTV conflict.
  122. QT4 Installer
  123. Quicktime freezes comp & Installer performing illegal operation
  124. QuickTime crashing/quitting as player and in browser
  125. Everyone complaining about streaming quality read this!
  126. Feedback on NEW QT4.0b22 May 4, 1999
  127. QT4 installer on non-wired Macs
  128. poor quiality before resize...
  129. Can download from PC, but have a Mac
  130. b22 works with authenticated proxies!
  131. FTP Q4
  132. Hasn't Anyone Downloaded b22 yet?
  133. QuickCam VC-QT4 problems?
  134. QT4 Streaming Video Through a Firewall
  135. QT4 Streaming... no sound?
  136. Quicktime 4 Vs. RealVideo G2 at WWDC comparison
  137. Can't install RealVideo G2 on 8.6
  138. slow motion
  139. QT4 Transmitter-Providing Content
  140. Sound disappear after hours
  141. This Forum is Unofficially Dead
  142. I Close This Forum Saying This...
  143. QT4 on Win98. Can I play RealMedia Files ?
  144. QT4, Apple Streaming Site, Most don't support QT
  145. File Associate
  146. Encoding live video
  147. QuickTime 4 Stand-Alone Installer HERE
  148. QT 4 and unreal issues
  149. classical music for quicktime 4 player
  150. missing compressor?
  151. QT4 Streaming and NAT (network address translation)
  152. trouble in font menus
  153. Saving a stream?
  154. qtvr problems in QT4.0
  155. quicktime icon disappearance
  156. Quicktime Videoconferencing
  157. streaming video plugin
  158. QT Pro key with registration
  159. Quicktime 4.1? Give me a break.
  160. MP3's on QuickTime?
  161. Live Quicktime Streaming
  162. QuickTime 4.0 (BUG?)
  163. complete Windows QT 4 installer
  164. Can't Download and play any mpgs
  165. iMovie, importing Quicktime?
  166. Quicktime showcase
  167. Full Screen
  168. QT 4.0.3 Disables MoviePlayer 2.5.1?
  169. QT 4.1 with Web Proxy 'ftp.euro.apple.com'
  170. Quicktime MPG playback
  171. QuickTime 4.1: New Features
  172. How to install QT 4.1 ?
  173. Choppy playback with version 4.1
  174. Quicktime 4.0.1 fixed my DVD issues!!!
  175. Can I capture off a DV camera into QT
  176. Can't Play MPEG's
  177. QT 4.0.3 and NT 4.0SP5 = arrrggghh!!
  178. Makin' MIDIs
  179. DVD playback - now audio too fast?
  180. Official 4.1 different from "secret" one?
  181. 4.1 upgrade ?
  182. Quicktime 4 compressor missing?
  183. Streaming QT and DSL connection
  184. Quicktime/SoundJam MP3 trouble
  185. Quicktime 4.1 - loss of all audio
  186. QuickTime as seen on OS X
  187. QuickTime 4.1 and Window Refresh Problems
  188. full screen video
  189. Two questions
  190. Quicktime Authoring - HREFTracks
  191. Netscape/.mov incompatability?!!
  192. Converting imovie to Quicktime
  193. QT File size after Edit
  194. Conflict with Avid Cinema
  195. 2 Quicktime Problems
  196. Streaming Media... Is it supposed to be this poor?
  197. Quicktime "sound in bador damaged formatt" window.
  198. QuickTime Program Transfer
  199. Resize to fit screen?
  200. QT4.0.3 Plug-In and Netscape 4.6.1
  201. QT Streaming Server sites?
  202. Putting QT movies on a website?
  203. Stuttering when joining QT movie clips
  204. QuickTime 4.1 won't read AVIs...
  205. Streaming Software
  206. QT 4.1 don't play movies
  207. m3u Playlists
  208. Quicktime Picview icon
  209. almost everything you wanted to know about QT
  210. Rant
  211. MoviePlayer 3 with QuickTime 4
  212. sampson
  213. QuickTimer Player Sound Skips
  214. HELP !!!!
  215. Streaming Marketshare
  216. QuickTime Player Sound Skips - Westponge
  217. AVI's with QT 4.1
  218. Is QuickTime 4.0 68K Compatible?
  219. AVIs and QT 4
  220. Quicktime 4.1 makes iMac crash
  221. QT4 or QT3
  222. iMovie to Quicktime advice
  223. Windows Media Player 7.0 == Quicktime 4.0 ???
  224. animated gifs
  225. Best PC base software?
  226. I need help with codecs.....
  227. ThingReporter
  228. Streaming Media Is Still Not All That Great :(
  229. Key Problems
  230. QuickTime Update
  231. QT 4.x Player Question...
  232. QT 4.1.1 coruppted
  233. Quicktime 4.1.1 Crashs!!! : (
  234. Saving Unsaveable movies . . .
  235. QT4, Firewire, and Video
  236. Exporting MPEG audio and video to MOV
  237. Help! Can I save a corrupted QT file?
  238. QuickTime 4.1.1 Full Installer. Where?
  239. QT LIVE streaming
  240. tell me why I should like QT...
  241. Playing Div-x with QT?
  242. Video Music Network
  243. QT Missed Opportunity
  244. QTChat app
  245. Powerbook, TV Mirroring, and QT Performance
  246. Creating QT4 streams from QT4 movie file
  247. QT 4.1.1 - Cannot save movies!!!
  248. QuickTime Playback Now Sucks
  249. MPEG troubles w/ QT 4
  250. Apple's lil Quicktime tricks!