View Full Version : Kernal Panic

Old Mac Doc
Dec 15, 2001, 10:15 AM
I get dumped into the Kernal (sp) 3-4 times a day since I installed OS 10.1. It has occured when in IE, the Finder, even in screen saver. I have no I dea what to do about it. I am running on a Ti G4 with 384mb ram. OS 9.2.1 in classic. I have just reinstalled OS 10.1 and got another dump to Kernal.

Please respond to [email protected]

Dec 15, 2001, 10:48 AM
If you get a kernel panic, please log it and send it to Apple. Either take a picture of the screen with a digital camera or write down the information displayed.

Please see here for more information: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106227

Colonel Panic
Dec 15, 2001, 01:09 PM
Most of the kernal panics i've seen (and that's very few) are hardware related.

have you tried running without your extra RAM?

That may be the culprit.

Dec 15, 2001, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Colonel Panic:
<STRONG>Most of the kernal panics i've seen (and that's very few) are hardware related.

have you tried running without your extra RAM?

That may be the culprit.</STRONG>That's a good point. The OS may not use your extra RAM when starting up, but by opening a few applications it gets into some of that RAM and if it's bad then BOOM!

I also recommend taking out your extra RAM and running without it for a while. If all goes well, complain to the RAM maker or just find some "officially supported by Apple, you know, the expensive" RAM.

Dec 16, 2001, 03:16 AM

KERNEL &lt;- correct spelling.

(yes, someone had to say this :D ).

Dec 16, 2001, 03:26 AM
you almost certainly have a hardware issue... try swapping out your usb/firewire devices then your hard drives...

Dec 16, 2001, 01:50 PM
I agree that it's most likely hardware related. When I installed X on my pismo I'd get kernEl panics whenever it woke up from sleep. I couldn't get any help from the discussion group so I reformatted my drive and installed only X, then i put it to sleep and woke it back up and still had the panics, then something told me to take out my Adaptec SCSI pc card and see what happens. Long storry short, after weeks of not understanding what was causing the panics and almost abandoning X altogether I finally realized that it was the SCSI card in the pc slot that was the culprit.

Dec 16, 2001, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by sordid:

KERNEL &lt;- correct spelling.

(yes, someone had to say this :D ).</STRONG>

The really funny thing about this is that there's NO SUCH WORD as "kernal" at all! I don't know where people continue to get "kernal" from...

I guess it's better than calling it a "colonel panic"...

Dec 16, 2001, 05:38 PM
who cares, i like saying kernal paniks too =)

Dec 16, 2001, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by kangoo_boo:
<STRONG>who cares, i like saying kernal paniks too =)</STRONG>

Who cares? I love how people think that just because something has to do with computers that they can make up words and mispronounce things.

One time, I knew someone who insisted on pronouncing "ethernet" with a short "e"...like EH-ther-net (instead of EE-ther-net). After a year of this, I finally asked him why he pronounced it that way. He said "oh, well it's also a valid pronunciation." After some research, I found that the only known origins of ethernet stemmed from the word "ether", which, since the 14th century, has only had one acceptable pronunciation: with a long "e". Upon telling him this, he simply responded "You say it your way, I'll say it my way."

Even though I look like an ass for dwelling on the point, the fact still remains: "kernal" is WRONG, and there's NO SUCH F*CKING WORD as "kernal". It's just as wrong as randomly making up words in any other discipline. Why don't you just start mispelling other words randomly, because you "like it"? Answer: because that's stupid and idiotic, and you'll only keep looking like an idiot to anyone else who is more experienced than you by calling it a "kernal panic".

Dec 16, 2001, 08:54 PM
Wow! Dude, you really have some problems. Looks, like you're having kernal panics of your own. Lighten up!

Dec 16, 2001, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by C33:
<STRONG>Wow! Dude, you really have some problems. Looks, like you're having kernal panics of your own. Lighten up!</STRONG>

Yeah, being correct about anything doesn't matter any more! Not as long as everyone lightens up! Thanks for showing me the error of my ways!

Colonel Panic
Dec 16, 2001, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by piracy:

The really funny thing about this is that there's NO SUCH WORD as "kernal" at all! I don't know where people continue to get "kernal" from...

I guess it's better than calling it a "colonel panic"...</STRONG>


hold up - "colonel panic" - now that actually sounds nice....

Dec 16, 2001, 10:31 PM

Waht is wrong??? I onyl treid takeing aprat my computar adn repllacing teh PIC slots with an ISO card from my PC computar! Why si the MAC haveing a KARNAL PANNIK???? Stupid MAC!!11 I am goign to giev STEVE JOBS A PEICE OF MY MIND!!!11

(Here ends the Jeff K. impression)

ChaChi Boy
Dec 16, 2001, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Angus_D:
<STRONG>If you get a kernel panic, please log it and send it to Apple. Either take a picture of the screen with a digital camera or write down the information displayed.

Please see here for more information: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106227</STRONG>

Thanks but I want to send a screengrab of a panic but I can't find the e-mail at apple to send it to.

Spheric Harlot
Dec 17, 2001, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by piracy:
<STRONG>Yeah, being correct about anything doesn't matter any more! Not as long as everyone lightens up! Thanks for showing me the error of my ways!</STRONG>

You really *do* need to lighten up, piracy.

Yeah, I wince every time I see "kernAl", but eight times out of ten, people will write "compatAbility", too, and I've come to the conclusion that complaining about incorrect spelling and grammar - from native speakers, no less - is like mopping up Lake Erie with a kitchen sponge. And expecting perfect spelling from non-native speakers is way off, anyway.

Forget it.

Read, wince, and move on.


Dec 17, 2001, 08:02 AM
Actually, you'll find that if you take a screen shot and send it to Apple, they'll likely respond that you need to write down all the numbers (I don't think they have time to write them down from your screen shot).

As for where to log the bug - use http://bugreport.apple.com (sign up as an on-line developer, it is free, http://developer.apple.com). I don't truly believe Apple read much of the feedback from the feedback page, but they do take notice of official bug reports.

Dec 17, 2001, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by Colonel Panic:


hold up - "colonel panic" - now that actually sounds nice....</STRONG>

hey Colonal Panik!

Jelle Monkmater
Dec 17, 2001, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Spheric Harlot:

You really *do* need to lighten up, piracy.

Yeah, I wince every time I see "kernAl", but eight times out of ten, people will write "compatAbility", too, and I've come to the conclusion that complaining about incorrect spelling and grammar - from native speakers, no less - is like mopping up Lake Erie with a kitchen sponge. And expecting perfect spelling from non-native speakers is way off, anyway.

Forget it.

Read, wince, and move on.


You know, my OmniWeb checks my spelling for me. Maybe EVERYBODY should be using that browser. :D Erm, perhaps apart from the Brits among us, who won't beleive ;) thier ;) eyes when all of a sudden 'colour' and 'travelling' are incorrectly spelled words.

But as a former English teacher I sometimes can't read from the tears in my eyes. :eek:

Dec 17, 2001, 01:27 PM
Don't forget "definAtely."

Dec 17, 2001, 01:40 PM
Yeah, being correct about anything doesn't matter any more! Not as long as everyone lightens up! Thanks for showing me the error of my ways!
Irregardless, I think weve straiyed a little two far off this toppic.

Thanks, I now know where to send my pix of kernel panics. I got 1 the other day when testing out the Agfa DuoScan T1200 OS X driver.
That was my first and only kernel panic (but then again I've never used any version of OS X except X.1.x).

Dec 17, 2001, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Eug:
<STRONG>Irregardless, I think weve straiyed a little two far off this toppic.


their's a gud 1 4 u.