View Full Version : Monitor going off

Dec 14, 2001, 10:24 AM
I installed Mac OS X Server 10.1.

I configure everything, then restart.

Then, my monitor won't come back on.

It starts up, I see the spinning disc, then (when it switches resolutions and shows the "Welcome to Mac OS X Server" splash and messages) the monitor goes off.

To get the picture back, I have to put it to sleep, then wake it back up...

ATI driver problem??

Any help would be greatly appreciated. It's a G3 350 w/ 128MB RAM.



Dec 15, 2001, 07:06 PM
It sounds like OS X is trying to switch to a resolution that the monitor doesn't support. I don't know why putting the computer to sleep temporarily fixes the problem, but I've got two suggestions.

1) With the system running and the monitor working, open System Preferences. Go to the Display preference pane, and make sure the "Show modes recommended by display" checkbox is checked. This will reduce the number of available resolutions down to the handful that your display supports. Choose one of the remaining resolutions.

2) Zap your PRAM by holding the command, option, P and R keys together at startup. Let your computer restart two or three times before letting go. Your computer should startup normally, and you'll need to reset some system prefs like mouse speed and displays.

Dec 15, 2001, 11:35 PM
I have done both of these options, and none of them work...

I had this same problem with 10.0.4 Server. I reinstalled a few times, and it was fixed.

I am a little reluctant to reinstall my server (again). Thinking that it was fixed, I already set everything back up (took several hours - DNS junk, etc.)

It sounds like a resolution problem, but I don't think it is... Maybe a driver issue? Problem with my monitor? The "Supported Resolutions" don't go below 800x600. I have a Rage 128 card and an ADI Microscan monitor. THAT DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT :confused:

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Right now, I am going to try switching to a different monitor...


Dec 16, 2001, 01:16 AM
I figured it out!

I switched monitors and the problem disappeared...



Dec 16, 2001, 04:20 AM
Glad to hear it was the monitor, and you won't have to reinstall everything again.

By the way, I think OS X doesn't support anything below 800x600, so that would be why 640x480 and the like were grayed out.