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A pre internet question
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Feb 21, 2022, 07:21 PM
So man, not really political convo, but I am fucking triggered lately.

It sure seems like dumbfuck opinions I see from people in real life, and online, are almost always some uneducated blue collar dude, who... despite having NO formal education, is actually smarter than everyone else in the world. Like, their day job might be.... plumbing.... or running a landscaping business.... or drywall.... or something... yet they're also EXPERTS on climate change, microbiology, geopolitical history, and constitutional scholars. Actually, scratch that, they know BETTER than the experts who went to school for such things, and work in those fields, DESPITE the lack of education or experience in those fields.

Like.... I'm not even saying anything "political" here.... but god. fucking. dammit. This shit pisses me off and I don't think it was always like this, was it?

It sure seems like facebook dropping the .edu requirement is going to be the downfall of humanity. If people would just shut the fuck up about stuff unless they REALLY had experience in those fields, I WOULD BE SO GRATEFUL. I know what I know, and if someone's going to talk about the history of afganistan, I have no idea what the fuck to say about it, but Jim Bob who lives in McButtFuck nowhere and works as a spot welder in a factory? He's going to have real strong opinions about it.

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Feb 22, 2022, 05:14 PM
What's worse is 'news' agencies even giving these people coverage. Worse they don't have expert there to provide correct context. They don't even say 'This crazy guy thinks ______'

My favorite was when they were pushing medical advice from Jennifer McCarthy. Seriously you want me to take medical advice from a porn star? Did she get a doctorate? No. Oh.

But the corporations have bought the reporters and the politicians. This is why I'm pro 2nd amendment even though I don't own a gun.
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Feb 22, 2022, 10:05 PM
Once an inflated ego gets the idea that they have a soapbox they can spout their drivel from, they just spout more of it. But then they get followers, and likes and that makes their egos inflate even more. Even if all of what they say makes you think “who Velcros your shoes for you?©”

Then, since these bloviators have such a following, the “not really news” folks start giving them even more coverage.

At one time, I felt sorry for Jennifer McCarthy. I’ve treated a lot of kids on the Autism spectrum, and parents are rightly confused, scared, and anxious to help their kids in any way they can. Except it ain’t caused by vaccines, it ain’t caused by gluten, and it ain’t caused by fluoride. And her kid isn’t really on the spectrum, either. But like all the other “voices” without real or valid content, since people asked her, she spoke more….

We need to “deplatform” most of the obnoxious, vacant idiots. Since the TV folks won’t do it, we just need to ignore them. Boycott their advertisers, complain to the producers of the programs they’re on, and generally be more obnoxious to their “platforms” than the platforms will tolerate. It’s slow, but it usually works.

Glenn -----OTR/L, MOT, Tx
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Feb 22, 2022, 11:51 PM
I mean yeah, MacNN is totally not a prime example of this
Mankind's only chance is to harness the power of stupid.
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Feb 23, 2022, 07:21 AM
I think it’ll take a generation or two until we get used to the new medium, to learn the difference between looking things up on Wikipedia and true expertise. And we need to deal with (social) media companies that just optimize for engagement (i. e. addictiveness) rather than accuracy or intellectual depth. I’m specifically saying “we need to deal with them”, because I don’t think this is going away once Facebook and Twitter have been replaced by whatever comes next. If you don’t change the soil, the same shirt will grow back.
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Spheric Harlot
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Feb 23, 2022, 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by ghporter View Post
Once an inflated ego gets the idea that they have a soapbox they can spout their drivel from, they just spout more of it. But then they get followers, and likes and that makes their egos inflate even more. Even if all of what they say makes you think “who Velcros your shoes for you?©”

Then, since these bloviators have such a following, the “not really news” folks start giving them even more coverage.

At one time, I felt sorry for Jennifer McCarthy. I’ve treated a lot of kids on the Autism spectrum, and parents are rightly confused, scared, and anxious to help their kids in any way they can. Except it ain’t caused by vaccines, it ain’t caused by gluten, and it ain’t caused by fluoride. And her kid isn’t really on the spectrum, either. But like all the other “voices” without real or valid content, since people asked her, she spoke more….

We need to “deplatform” most of the obnoxious, vacant idiots. Since the TV folks won’t do it, we just need to ignore them. Boycott their advertisers, complain to the producers of the programs they’re on, and generally be more obnoxious to their “platforms” than the platforms will tolerate. It’s slow, but it usually works.
With all due respect, Glenn, you're totally underestimating what's going on:

Science denialism, and especially the massive wave kicked off when Andrew Wakefield was run out of Britain in shame and found multi-million-dollar investors and thinktanks in the US, is literally a billion-dollar business.

Virtually every "alternative" "health" site is actually a front for an online store, from CBD-oil "remedies" against whatever the subject of the article happens to be, to algae extract, to dietary supplements, alternative cancer "treatments", expensive seminars, or outdoor orgone accumulators, electrosmog purifiers, and water purifiers based on "harmonic" electrical principles allegedly developed by Nikolai Tesla (spoiler: they weren't).

People like McCarthy and Wakefield and all the other assholes aren't loud because they keep getting asked: They have or own million-dollar publicity corporations pushing them and making them a LOT of money.
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Feb 23, 2022, 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Spheric Harlot View Post
Science denialism, and especially the massive wave kicked off when Andrew Wakefield was run out of Britain in shame and found multi-million-dollar investors and thinktanks in the US, is literally a billion-dollar business.

Virtually every "alternative" "health" site is actually a front for an online store, from CBD-oil "remedies" against whatever the subject of the article happens to be, to algae extract, to dietary supplements, alternative cancer "treatments", expensive seminars, or outdoor orgone accumulators, electrosmog purifiers, and water purifiers based on "harmonic" electrical principles allegedly developed by Nikolai Tesla (spoiler: they weren't).

People like McCarthy and Wakefield and all the other assholes aren't loud because they keep getting asked: They have or own million-dollar publicity corporations pushing them and making them a LOT of money.
Relieving the suckers of their money. A time-honored tradition. I have a question though. Taking suckers for their money has been going on for generations. Why do the suckers never run out of money?

If the suckers ever got tapped out, all these scams would grind to a halt. No sales, no income, no money for advertising.

It appears to me that suckers have an unlimited supply of money. I could use one of those. Why is it just the suckers with endless cash? Why don't they run out?
Spheric Harlot
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Feb 23, 2022, 02:45 PM
Simple: There's an endless supply of suckers.

There's one born every day, at least.
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Feb 23, 2022, 08:07 PM
The focus on individuals, on suckers who are being relieved of their money, also forgets the societal aspect. Especially in the US, trust in institutions like schools, government and political parties is not just decreasing, it is being targeted specifically. Other societal glue like churches are also becoming less important parts of people’s lives. I’m not necessarily lamenting that, just stating a fact. In other countries this role is taken over by e. g. sports clubs and the like.

Similar trends exist in many developed countries, but are usually less severe. E. g. trust in government is a very, very strong predictor for a high Covid-19 vaccination rate. It’d be easy to simply point to stupidity, but some very smart and/or knowledgable people have fallen victim to baseless conspiracy theories. I’ve noticed that Covid-19 vaccine skepticism is quite high among medical staff like nurses (although not among doctors).

Spheric is quite right when he points out that the patterns that underlie e. g. belief in Covid conspiracies, January 6th conspiracies, 9/11 conspiracies, alternate diets and so forth are the same. This isn’t just something connected to politics, but a broader issue. A recent episode (#426) of the Sigma Nutrition Podcast focussed on this question.
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MacNNFamous  (op)
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Feb 23, 2022, 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by OreoCookie View Post
Similar trends exist in many developed countries, but are usually less severe. E. g. trust in government is a very, very strong predictor for a high Covid-19 vaccination rate. It’d be easy to simply point to stupidity, but some very smart and/or knowledgable people have fallen victim to baseless conspiracy theories.
It's not even an intelligence divide, it's a culture divid. Imho distrust of the government became more common in rural areas because politicians largely have not given much of a fuck what has happen to the majority of small towns in this country, especially the ones further away from metropolitan areas. So many distant relatives and siblings of my friends have died from methamphetamine addiction, because smaller areas have such limited opportunity for people, which is made worse when big factories get shut down, the entire county/area gets stressed with more desperation. Meanwhile, the coastal elites are important to the politicians, and it shows, as policy is passed that benefits mega corporations to give them more of a competitive edge... which really just makes shit worse in rural areas, again, because the farmland is becoming purchased by larger and larger 'super farms', again, which benefits the rich. So much poverty in small towns, and it sucks...

I’ve noticed that Covid-19 vaccine skepticism is quite high among medical staff like nurses (although not among doctors).
That's because nurses are generally fucking morons. Think of nurses like grease monkies who change oil for a living and swap brake pads... they're not doing anything very technical or hard, really, basic maintenance is 'cake' on most newer vehicles. Now think of the engineers who designed the car, created prototypes, did testing/collected data and studied things to improve the product, and then the people that figure out how to mass produce those parts. Or the people who designed the CAD that all the parts were designed on. Those people are light years ahead of the guy swapping O2 sensors because his OBD scanners told him what part to replace. Again, advanced techs/decades of experience, sure, but there are a lot of 'idiot' car hacks/mechanics out there with all sorts of idiotic opinions.

Nurses, are by definition, not super smart people. If they were smart, they would have become doctors, and I hate to admit this but every nurse I know of in real life was a fuckup that didn't try very hard in school, didn't apply themselves, and then found out their charm/dad's money/looks didn't go very far, generally got knocked up, had a kid, split from the douchebag that gave them kids, then realized they needed a decent paying job, so they went to school part time while working/raising a kid part time and got a degree in only two years.

These are the 'MeDiCaL pRoFeSsIoNaLs" that you're referring to. Idiots. I'm sure there are some really smart ones, but this pattern is way more common than anything else in that field.
Clinically Insane
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Feb 23, 2022, 11:06 PM
Liberal arts undergraduate degrees are a scam, the press is not to be trusted, and skepticism is a virtue.
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Feb 24, 2022, 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
It's not even an intelligence divide, it's a culture divid. Imho distrust of the government became more common in rural areas because politicians largely have not given much of a fuck what has happen to the majority of small towns in this country, especially the ones further away from metropolitan areas. So many distant relatives and siblings of my friends have died from methamphetamine addiction, because smaller areas have such limited opportunity for people, which is made worse when big factories get shut down, the entire county/area gets stressed with more desperation. Meanwhile, the coastal elites are important to the politicians, and it shows, as policy is passed that benefits mega corporations to give them more of a competitive edge... which really just makes shit worse in rural areas, again, because the farmland is becoming purchased by larger and larger 'super farms', again, which benefits the rich. So much poverty in small towns, and it sucks...
I think many people living in cities feel equally shafted by the status quo. Just to be clear: I’m not saying that the issues you raise aren’t valid — they are. It is that the current status quo serves neither very well.

In most countries, especially the US, rural parts are overrepresented and have outsized influence on what is going on, and policies do not reflect their values. Life in cities has gotten expensive to a degree that regular people are simply priced out. That’s true if you live in Paris, London, Munich, San Francisco or many of the “smaller” cities. It is extremely hard to get day care for your kids or living space for your kids. And then there is the issue of cars. People in cities have been switching away from cars. It isn’t because people hate them per se, it is that it is super expensive to have a car in a bigger city and much more hassle than worth it. You are literally faster on a bike or with public transportation.

Neither political party seems to be too hot: Republicans love to point to the fact that cities are all run by Democratic majorities. Which is true and something cities need to come to grips with. But they tend to forget that poor states have all been run by Republican majorities. The same pattern holds for other countries.

And when people ask “why don’t you move”? Well, jobs. A friend of mine is from Kentucky, and her husband and her used to live in DC. She convinced him to move back to Kentucky. He took a huge pay cut, and that shows. Yes, say, $300k in DC isn’t the same as $300k in Kentucky, but if you want to save up for your children’s college tuition, you can do that much more quickly in DC.

The pandemic is a huge change here, because it brought the idea of teleworking to the masses. I know plenty of people who’d love to move farther outside of city centers while continuing their jobs. This isn’t a panacea, yes, but it’d alleviate some of the pain.
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
That's because nurses are generally fucking morons. Think of nurses like grease monkies who change oil for a living and swap brake pads... they're not doing anything very technical or hard, really, basic maintenance is 'cake' on most newer vehicles.
I think you are vastly underestimating the skill level nurses have and need to do their job. My mom wasn’t a nurse, but my dictionary tells me she was a medical technician and X-ray technician. Sounds basic, but you can get a PhD in the former field these days. The medical technician part meant 4 years of vocational school for my mom. And that’s separate from her training as an X-ray technician, which was another 3 years.

In your analogy, they’d be mechanics, doctors would be engineers. But they wouldn’t be the people at Autoparts simply changing oil or putting in a new battery either.
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
Now think of the engineers who designed the car, created prototypes, did testing/collected data and studied things to improve the product, and then the people that figure out how to mass produce those parts. Or the people who designed the CAD that all the parts were designed on. Those people are light years ahead of the guy swapping O2 sensors because his OBD scanners told him what part to replace. Again, advanced techs/decades of experience, sure, but there are a lot of 'idiot' car hacks/mechanics out there with all sorts of idiotic opinions.
Yet, sometimes engineers make mistakes that are super obvious to people who get their hands dirty, simply because they were missing the perspective of someone doing the actual labor.
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
Nurses, are by definition, not super smart people. If they were smart, they would have become doctors, and I hate to admit this but every nurse I know of in real life was a fuckup that didn't try very hard in school, didn't apply themselves, and then found out their charm/dad's money/looks didn't go very far, generally got knocked up, had a kid, split from the douchebag that gave them kids, then realized they needed a decent paying job, so they went to school part time while working/raising a kid part time and got a degree in only two years.
I think that’s a very simplistic view of life. Not everyone can or wants to go to university. My brother is super smart, just totally sucks at studying and book learning. He could geek out at the wonders of DIN norms and that everything from the tiniest of bearings to those that go into tank turrets are normed. But he washed out of the engineering program. My mom wasn’t allowed to go to university by her parents, they told her she should get a real job. My grandma still talks to me as if I’m not really working.

We also shouldn’t short change abilities that don’t fit neatly into an IQ test. A lot of jobs crucially involve people skills, which are harder to test for.
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
These are the 'MeDiCaL pRoFeSsIoNaLs" that you're referring to. Idiots. I'm sure there are some really smart ones, but this pattern is way more common than anything else in that field.
We should not forget that smart people are also susceptible to this. The father of a friend of mine is ex cold war intelligence (he was stationed in Eastern Germany) and made a fortune in the finance industry afterwards. Not a dummy. He fell for the Jan 6th and election irregularities conspiracy theories like many else.
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Feb 24, 2022, 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Liberal arts undergraduate degrees are a scam, the press is not to be trusted, and skepticism is a virtue.
To add to that, and this is coming from a mathematical physicist, i. e. as STEM as they come: there is too little of that. You can tell that e. g. Mark Zuckerberg has a complete blind spot. Steve Jobs appreciated and loved liberal arts, while nobody at Microsoft did at the time.

Many companies are looking at universities as “fancy vocational schools” where programs get streamlined either directly or indirectly as opposed to a place for personal development. I had plenty of time during my studies to do god knows what, and it had a profound impact on my life. Students these days are strongly disincentivized to branch out.
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Feb 24, 2022, 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
It sure seems like dumbfuck opinions I see from people in real life, and online, are almost always some uneducated blue collar dude, who... despite having NO formal education, is actually smarter than everyone else in the world.
Wow, I didn't realize that simply getting a little 4 year degree entitled someone to believe they're smarter than everyone else in the world and blast their "dumbfuck opinions" all over the internet.
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Feb 24, 2022, 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Liberal arts undergraduate degrees are a scam
Hmmmmm.... yeah I mean I make really good money and have a super successful career full of groundbreaking products and honestly I stopped counting how many patents I have, but okay, bud.
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Feb 24, 2022, 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Laminar View Post
Wow, I didn't realize that simply getting a little 4 year degree entitled someone to believe they're smarter than everyone else in the world and blast their "dumbfuck opinions" all over the internet.
The difference is, from what I see, is that people who were smart enough to do well in school, smart enough to go to college, smart enough to leave their hometown, all these people REALIZE they are not experts at everything. I'm smarter than the average bear, but fuck if I know anything about microbiology, so I listen to people who went to school for that and work in that field. I don't know anything about geopolitical history, so I shut the fuck up about it unless there are human rights violations.

Basically, my dick is large enough that I can comfortably admit that other people know more than me about things, EVEN IN MY OWN FIELD, there are people who know far more than me that I can learn from.

But JimBob McFucking Blue collar? Oh, colleges are for sissies, they just 'indoctrinate the youth'. "liberal programming", and then from there, they claim to know more about everything than literally everyone, despite barely passing high school and having some fucking mcnothing job.

I got mad respect for the trades; I love working with my hands, I love understanding how things work, but in general these people fall into this trap of feeling intimidated by anyone with a degree, and thus trying to prove they know more than everyone. It's obnoxious.
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Feb 24, 2022, 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
I can comfortably admit that other people know more than me about things
I believe you believe this about yourself.
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Feb 24, 2022, 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
Hmmmmm.... yeah I mean I make really good money and have a super successful career full of groundbreaking products and honestly I stopped counting how many patents I have, but okay, bud.
What’s your degree?
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Feb 24, 2022, 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
But JimBob McFucking Blue collar? Oh, colleges are for sissies, they just 'indoctrinate the youth'. "liberal programming", and then from there, they claim to know more about everything than literally everyone, despite barely passing high school and having some fucking mcnothing job.
You do understand that JimBob and co. are being fed all that 'indoctrinate the youth' "liberal programming" shit by highly-educated, well-funded, wealthy people, right? JimBob and his friends aren’t coming up with that shit on their own. They’re being manipulated by people with a broader agenda, who see the JimBobs as malleable pawns and footsoldiers.
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Feb 24, 2022, 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
What’s your degree?
Industrial Design.
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Feb 24, 2022, 01:14 PM
You got an arts degree in industrial design and not a science degree?
MacNNFamous  (op)
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Feb 24, 2022, 01:25 PM
I don't think you know what industrial design is.
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Feb 24, 2022, 01:33 PM
Quite possible. I know there are universities who offer it as a science degree.
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Feb 24, 2022, 02:07 PM
I dunno. I guess if I was still in debt 20 years later I’d want to convince myself how important my degree was too.

The irony is, for someone who’s so full of themselves, you ignore that your own (substantial) natural talent and (substantial) intelligence were more than enough for you to have learned most of what college taught you on your own.

In less time, for free.
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Feb 24, 2022, 02:25 PM
I could have paid it off already, but when you get better ROI on investing/property/rare cars, and the interest rate is low.... it's dumb to pay it off sooner. Anyway, that's getting off the rails.

The rails of this topic are people who claim to be fucking experts on god damn everything, despite having no education/experience in those fields. I see one group doing this FAR more often than another group, and I'm not a fan of either group, to be clear, but god damn....

How do we go back? Nuke facebook?
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Feb 24, 2022, 02:30 PM
That would be kindness to all humanity.
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Feb 24, 2022, 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
The rails of this topic are people who claim to be fucking experts on god damn everything
You've spent the past 2+ decades on this forum aggressively asserting your opinions on things you have no education or experience in. How is that different?
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Feb 24, 2022, 08:29 PM
I'm an expert in very few things these days. With time, comes the ability to realize you don't know everything.

Also, I think there's a difference between a light opinion on vehicle types/SUVs are lame vs I AM SMARTER THAN ALL THE EXPERTS I AINT LISTENING TO COLLEGE EDUCATED DOCTORS I READ THAT THE JAB HAS GOT THE 5G AND IT AINT PATRIOTIC, etc.
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Feb 25, 2022, 12:52 PM
Yeah, I oversimplified my ideas there.

We need to do a lot more to push, harder than the antivaxers ever did actual facts. Get people who present untruths censured, licenses removed, grants pulled, and so on. Then campaign against ANY advertiser who funds any TV, radio, web, etc. programming that gives these charlatans space to spread their lies.

Glenn -----OTR/L, MOT, Tx
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Feb 25, 2022, 03:38 PM
We need a Ministry of Truth!

What could go wrong?
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Feb 25, 2022, 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
Also, I think there's a difference between a light opinion on vehicle types/SUVs are lame
"The things I do are okay, the things that OTHER PEOPLE do are not okay!"

Also, LOL at 2 decades of diatribes, manifestos, all-caps yelling, endless arguments, and frequent bans being called "light opinion."

Everyone driving faster than me is a maniac, everyone driving slower than me is an idiot.
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Feb 25, 2022, 05:43 PM
2 decades and I've changed a lot; meanwhile you're still a fucking asshole with an axe to grind. Sorry your dick is so small.
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Feb 26, 2022, 01:19 PM
It's funny that you guys still are yanking each others chains when on the issue of medical disinformation it seems you are aligned.
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Feb 26, 2022, 02:48 PM
One of us has to tell Andi those aren’t chains.

Not it.
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Feb 26, 2022, 04:09 PM
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Feb 26, 2022, 05:36 PM
I considered adding quote marks, fwiw.
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Feb 26, 2022, 09:23 PM
In all seriousness, Facebook has been used for fun, for marketing, for “keeping in touch” (my personal reason for starting there) and much more. In the past decade, it’s been used as a propaganda and disinformation tool, a tool of political manipulation, and a means of “directing” public opinion for nefarious purposes.

Item: there’s evidence that a lot of antivax stuff on social media is pushed by puppet accounts. Who’s puppets? It looks a lot like Russian puppets. But why? To make Americans doubt basic tenets of American society, like physicians actually know what they’re doing most of the time. And Americans have been so easily duped by this crap that they got led by the nose into a lot of other doubts.

What’s the payoff? A big economy that can be pushed and pulled to the benefit of the puppet masters. Help oligarchs launder money, stuff like that. Oh, like the big deal with some Russian buying an aluminum mill in Kentucky…oh boy like there will be new jobs and economic prosperity coming back…. Nope. It was all just to launder money, under what looks a lot like Kremlin direction.

So when there are posts about how “things are going great for the Russians in Ukraine,” I don’t care who posts them, I assume the material is a lie. If I see a post that calls the US administration “weak,” (especially right now), I know it’s just misdirection. Because the administration DID put into motion sanctions that have already choked the Russian economy and led to other governments doing even more. And I call BS on those posts.

That’s it: ignoring lies doesn’t work. And once it’s clear that there is a plan behind the lies, it’s pretty easy to see what I need to do. Call the liars out.

Glenn -----OTR/L, MOT, Tx
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Feb 27, 2022, 12:45 AM
I feel like theres a strong case for setting fire to Rupert Murdoch in the name of general human advancement.
I have plenty of more important things to do, if only I could bring myself to do them....
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Feb 27, 2022, 04:22 PM
Well, that’s been true for at least the past thirty years or so.
Clinically Insane
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Mar 1, 2022, 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by andi*pandi View Post
It's funny that you guys still are yanking each others chains when on the issue of medical disinformation it seems you are aligned.
I can share similar views with someone and still believe they're a bad person.
Clinically Insane
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Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
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Mar 1, 2022, 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by MacNNFamous View Post
2 decades and I've changed a lot
No, not at all. You've always had and still have quite a few things going on:
- Narcisism - "selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration, as characterizing a personality type."

- Self-centeredness - Everything is about you. You steer every conversation toward talking about yourself. In a mostly unrelated conversation, you'll take any opportunity to bring up yourself, your possessions, or your accomplishments. You either don't realize or don't care that you do this.

- You believe your self-centeredness is actually selflessness - any time you advocate for "the good of society," what you actually mean is "this would be good for me." See: left lane hoggers, SUV drivers, anti-maskers, etc. Pretending it's selflessness lets you rain your righteous indignation down on your enemies.

- Speaking of enemies, you are very quick to dehumanize and literally wish death on any person that you don't like.

- Lack of self-awareness. Never have you admitted fault in the present tense. Very rarely you'll throw out a watered down admission of past flaws ("I used to be this way that I guess was kind of not ideal, but I'm not that way anymore"), but you don't have the capacity to accurately self-assess and admit any kind of weakness or imperfection.

MacNNFamous  (op)
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Mar 1, 2022, 12:43 PM
What a love letter, and delivered from such a high horse. Amazing.
Clinically Insane
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Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
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Mar 1, 2022, 02:43 PM
Spheric Harlot
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Mar 1, 2022, 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Laminar View Post
It's like nothing ever changed…

Clinically Insane
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Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
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Mar 2, 2022, 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Spheric Harlot View Post
It's like nothing ever changed…

I was reminiscing yesterday and really appreciated this post.
MacNNFamous  (op)
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Mar 2, 2022, 12:19 PM
You're digging through... 20 year old posts? why?
Clinically Insane
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Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
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Mar 2, 2022, 02:56 PM
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Mar 2, 2022, 07:49 PM
Never change MacNN. Never change.

(And SUVs do suck.)
MacNNFamous  (op)
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Mar 2, 2022, 10:32 PM
Mostly the people that drive them. We didn't have the term "Karen" 20 years ago but yeah. Karens and Steves living in suburbia that never offroad or tow anything?

Spheric Harlot
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Mar 3, 2022, 11:13 AM
Now we need Shaddim to explain how he needs one to tow his two wives' horse trailers or huge logs on his estate or something.

That would complete the flashback.
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