A couple of months back my MacBook Air’s SSD, which had given indicators of failure, was replaced with the same type, APPLE SSD SD0128F.
Very soon after it was replaced I noticed that the fan was coming on more often and running at a higher speed than it used to. My usage (and other factors0 were just about the same; no change there.
Within a month my usage actually decreased yet the fan would stay, and stays, almost always on and at high speed. In addition the laptop was/is heating up from the upper-left (strip above the esc key) much more than it ever used to.
The Activity Monitor (which I have long had in my dock) icon view and its detailed view, especially of CPU usage, reflects and confirms my feeling that soon after SSD replacement my usage indeed stayed the same and that soon thereafter it actually decreased.
So why would replacing an SSD have the direct result of the laptop heating up?
Thanks for any info.