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Election 2024 - Guns, Debates, VPs, and the Changing Candidates (Page 2)
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Clinically Insane
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Jul 25, 2024, 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by OreoCookie View Post
What drives me up the wall is that Biden and Trump are graded on different curves. Every argument about Biden being too old applies verbatim to Trump.
Age hits people differently, no?
Spheric Harlot
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Jul 25, 2024, 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Age hits people differently, no?
True. And Biden has held up rather better than Tr*mp, whose demented ramblings sent him in for cognitive tests years ago, despite being younger than Biden.

Though the grading curve of a decline is completely different when you start at "witty statesman" than when you start at "moron racist uncle".
Clinically Insane
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Jul 25, 2024, 06:31 PM
When I Google “Trump cognitive test” I get a story about him bragging he got a perfect score on the cognitive test the White House doctor gave him in 2018.

I sense a bit of the telephone game between that and what you say above.
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Jul 26, 2024, 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Age hits people differently, no?
Yes, and I think Biden‘s record speaks for itself. Biden has led a team of highly skilled individuals, negotiated several bipartisan deals etc.Trump has a better feel for campaigning, but the achievements during his term are few and far between, despite having a trifecta for two years.

Biden is less skilled as a debater and age shows more. He has had a stutter for all his life, which adds to the impression that he has forgotten words even if in that instance he just can’t pronounce them and says a different word as a coping mechanism instead. Trump has a feel for the audience, which helps him when campaigning. Biden‘s weakness are more obvious in scenarios when he has to do something he is weaker at anyway.

Trump is graded on a curve. “He was saying nonsense before, it isn’t dementia, it is who he is.” is not a defense. Both men are too old and, in Trump‘s case, even when he was younger (but still old) not suited for the job of President.
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Jul 26, 2024, 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
When I Google “Trump cognitive test” I get a story about him bragging he got a perfect score on the cognitive test the White House doctor gave him in 2018.

I sense a bit of the telephone game between that and what you say above.
The fact that people were concerned enough about his mental capacity to administer a cognitive test back in 2018 doesn't contradict what I wrote.
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Jul 26, 2024, 10:07 AM
The simplest explanation for why the test was performed is it’s a routine test they do on Boomers. He also scored perfectly on it.
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Jul 26, 2024, 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
The simplest explanation for why the test was performed is it’s a routine test they do on Boomers. He also scored perfectly on it.
At this stage in the game Trump has proven time and time again that his mendacity knows no bounds. To take him at his word about anything without corroborating evidence is just willful blindness to his documented history of self-aggrandizement at best and flat out dishonesty at worst.

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Jul 26, 2024, 11:47 AM
You are correct I should have qualified it as his claim. In fact, that the test was even administered at all falls into the same category, no?

I stand by my claim this story does not support the assertion that were the test administered, it was as a result of his “demented ramblings”
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Jul 26, 2024, 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
You are correct I should have qualified it as his claim. In fact, that the test was even administered at all falls into the same category, no?

I stand by my claim this story does not support the assertion that were the test administered, it was as a result of his “demented ramblings”
That's fair. And while I wouldn't characterize them as "demented ramblings" there is certainly plenty of video evidence of his "incoherent ramblings" and slurred speech.

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Jul 26, 2024, 12:17 PM
The impression I get is Trump’s incoherence has moved little from the baseline he set in 2015. Biden was already starting to slide in 2020, and has stayed on that trajectory.
Clinically Insane
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Jul 26, 2024, 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by OreoCookie View Post
Trump is graded on a curve.
Candidates are graded by their donors. Democratic and Republican donors have different agendas. The grading methodologies they use are tailored to their agendas. Wild methodological differences are to be expected.

Edit: as an aside, my not particularly deep or original analysis of what really killed Biden is he lost the confidence of his deep-pocket paypigs, and they shut off the money.
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Jul 26, 2024, 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Edit: as an aside, my not particularly deep or original analysis of what really killed Biden is he lost the confidence of his deep-pocket paypigs, and they shut off the money.
Biden has a sizeable warchest already, so large The Heritage Foundation is planning to sue, while the Trump campaign has filed an FEC complaint. Trying to prevent the Biden-Harris warchest being made available to Harris. So financial pressure would be limited at this point.

I think it was primarily the pressure from prominent Dems. Though he probably solicited honest opinions from advisers and family too. While watching the latest polls of who matches up better vs Trump.
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Jul 26, 2024, 01:19 PM
I can assure you the beast’s belly is nowhere near full enough to forego eying its next meal.
( Last edited by subego; Jul 26, 2024 at 01:55 PM. )
andi*pandi  (op)
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Jul 26, 2024, 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
The simplest explanation for why the test was performed is it’s a routine test they do on Boomers. He also scored perfectly on it.
there were many, many jokes that this "cognitive test" had such a low bar that snails and earthworms could cross it.

"Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV"

Trump's doctor has had his license pulled; and he wouldn't do the physicals with the white house doctors. He lied about his height and weight. We're going to believe him on the cognitive test?
( Last edited by andi*pandi; Jul 26, 2024 at 04:02 PM. )
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Jul 26, 2024, 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
The simplest explanation for why the test was performed is it’s a routine test they do on Boomers. He also scored perfectly on it.
Um, no, they don’t do it routinely on boomers.
Clinically Insane
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Jul 26, 2024, 05:58 PM
I apologize. That was confusingly phrased.

The thrust of my point is this test is performed prophylactically by enough doctors we can’t use a decision to perform it as definitive evidence of demented ramblings.
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Jul 27, 2024, 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Candidates are graded by their donors.
I wasn't speaking of donors, but of voters and the media. The latter two matter more. Donors tend to back people who they think can win. E. g. pundits like Ben Shapiro have admitted they are grading both candidates on different curves. Candidates for this important job should be graded on the same curve based on what the job requires.
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Jul 27, 2024, 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
I apologize. That was confusingly phrased.

The thrust of my point is this test is performed prophylactically by enough doctors we can’t use a decision to perform it as definitive evidence of demented ramblings.
We have literally hundreds of hours of evidence of demented ramblings.
Clinically Insane
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Jul 27, 2024, 11:49 AM
Is this cognitive impairment, or a narcissistic blowhard saying whatever the fuck comes into his head because it’s been shown time and time again he can get away with that?
Spheric Harlot
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Jul 27, 2024, 02:15 PM
As I wrote:

Originally Posted by Spheric Harlot View Post
True. And Biden has held up rather better than Tr*mp, whose demented ramblings sent him in for cognitive tests years ago, despite being younger than Biden.

Though the grading curve of a decline is completely different when you start at "witty statesman" than when you start at "moron racist uncle".
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Jul 28, 2024, 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Is this cognitive impairment, or a narcissistic blowhard saying whatever the fuck comes into his head because it’s been shown time and time again he can get away with that?
Does it matter what ratios are at work? All that should matter is the output and the prognosis whether it will get better or worse with time.
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Jul 28, 2024, 11:46 AM
The assertion is Trump is suffering from cognitive decline. The ratio is relevant in regards to whether the claim is true.

This is not self-evident?
Spheric Harlot
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Jul 28, 2024, 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
The assertion is Trump is suffering from cognitive decline. The ratio is relevant in regards to whether the claim is true.

This is not self-evident?
He MAY BE suffering from cognitive decline. It’s really hard to tell, because his mental state is graded on a completely different scale from that of normal people, and he’s exhibited literally demented rambling and inexplicable confusion at simple concepts for many years now.

That’s what I’m saying.
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Jul 28, 2024, 03:58 PM
This is reasonable, however I would qualify it depends on the type of cognitive impairment.

If Trump was suffering from the same type of impairment Biden is suffering from, I posit it would be easy to tell.
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Jul 28, 2024, 08:04 PM
Even if it is just the ramblings of a narcissistic blowhard, that doesn't account for the trailing off into non-words and the slurring of others. Thats still a sign of cognitive issues. Then there is a the content of his ramblings. He has ideas mid sentence and runs with them which is fine, but they aren't great ideas. Many are the sort of "WWYR, shark or electrocution" type thoughts you typically expect from stoned teenagers. His actual ideas tend to be weak as hell and when he prints out his entire thought process as he goes through it, it's as poor quality as it is pathetic as it is worrying. He clearly never possessed the intellect we should be requiring in our leaders. He is the worst of us by every measure.

Then we have the mixups between reality and fiction and the frequent failure to know where he is and who he's talking to and forgetting everyone's names or getting them wrong. Everyone is capable of the odd slip, narcissism explains mispronouncing a name or getting it partly wrong because he simple doesn't care about anyone enough to bother to remember their name properly, but mixing up Obama and Biden constantly is another red cognitive flag. It'll be interesting to see if he starts confusing Kamala with Obama, Biden or maybe even Hillary.

I heard an interesting idea suggested by someone to explain his blathering about Hannibal Lecter the other day. She suggested that ihe was getting confused between insane asylums and asylum seekers. She might be on to something, but it doesn't explain calling him a "wonderful person", though maybe thats just a throwaway line that he instinctively says after he references a persons name. It's not like he ever means it so he probably isn't that discerning with who he attaches it to.

Her idea made me wonder if his love of McDonald's is mostly because they have "Donald" in their name.
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Jul 29, 2024, 05:25 PM

I don’t know where to begin.
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Jul 29, 2024, 07:58 PM
Well, you can argue the red text is wrong. Harris lives in the VP residence, on the grounds of the Naval Observatory. While likely a frequent visitor to the White House, she certainly wasn't there all along.

No idea what the coconut represents. Maybe there are palm trees on the VP residence. Or it's a dipshit race reference.

I was able to recognize most of the faces, except the guy in the middle. Or the pop star on far left.
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Jul 29, 2024, 08:05 PM
Middle is Clooney.
andi*pandi  (op)
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Jul 29, 2024, 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by Spheric Harlot View Post
As I wrote:
Though the grading curve of a decline is completely different when you start at "witty statesman" than when you start at "moron racist uncle".
I chortled.

The coconut is from a quote from Kamala about her mother saying "you didn't just fall out of the coconut tree" which I think basically means you weren't born yesterday and should know better.

On the left is I think Beyonce, who gave Kamala permission to use "freedom" in campaign advertising.
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Jul 30, 2024, 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post

I don’t know where to begin.
I don't get it. I get some of the elements (e. g. the coconut), but I don't understand how they are supposed to fit together. Kamalot? That conjures up pictures of a round table. It just isn't funny.
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Jul 30, 2024, 09:08 AM
“Kamalot” is a reference back to JFK, whose administration was initially dubbed “Camelot” which is a reference to the 1960 broadway show, which the Kennedy’s liked.

The term has come to describe the youth and initial optimism of his administration.

FWIW, I think the cover is terrible and embarrassing.
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Jul 30, 2024, 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by andi*pandi View Post
The coconut is from a quote from Kamala about her mother saying "you didn't just fall out of the coconut tree" which I think basically means you weren't born yesterday and should know better.
The second part of the coconut tree quote was, "You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you."

It's reeeeally important that this concept gets meme'd so that no one takes three seconds to critically think about it. Understanding that you don't exist in a silo, that your needs being met are highly dependent on a huge network of people and systems around you, and that your current position in life is not purely of your own making but built upon the shoulders of your family, your parents, and all previous generations changes the way you think about things.

As long as people can be distracted by "lol coconuts" then we don't have to consider important concepts.
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Jul 30, 2024, 12:02 PM

I can definitely sympathize with operating under an impossible deadline, but really? This was the best they could do?
Spheric Harlot
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Jul 30, 2024, 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post

I can definitely sympathize with operating under an impossible deadline, but really? This was the best they could do?
No, the best they could do was the "Madam President" slogan. I really like that. One thing they're doing really, really well is rolling with whatever happens to have gone viral. That photograph made the rounds in a good way, so they put it on mugs and a t-shirt. They'll probably do that with whatever else goes around in a favourable way. This is a campaign staffed by under-sixty-year-olds.

There's a bunch of collections in the store, most of them not populated yet.
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Jul 30, 2024, 01:01 PM
I meant the best they could do with this collection. It’s under-produced.
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Jul 30, 2024, 05:28 PM
The Trump campaign is taking a curiously long time to adapt to facing Harris. I have a theory to explain this.

Earlier in the campaign, Trump was tied up in court hearings. So his campaign staff were left alone to run a competent campaign. This got covered by news programs a few times.

Today, Trump is not facing any imminent court hearings. So he's back to calling the shots and second-guessing his campaign leaders.
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Jul 31, 2024, 06:07 AM
Sounds like a reasonable conjecture. Even the right-wing pundits don't seem to know what to do with Harris. Outlets like National Review have had a pretty tepid response, it really seems that they don't know what they should attack her for. It's weird.

Another thing: Harris has handled the whole situation very deftly. I am not aware of any leaks where “people close to the VP” have leaked statements about whether Joe Biden should pull out of the race. Also her comments from the time in between the debate and Biden pulling out have been very measured as far as I can tell. And she quickly consolidated support within the party after Biden has made his decision to pull out.
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Jul 31, 2024, 08:46 AM
Seymour Hersh wrote an “a guy told me” article claiming Obama is responsible for this happening so smoothly.
Spheric Harlot
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Jul 31, 2024, 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by reader50 View Post
The Trump campaign is taking a curiously long time to adapt to facing Harris. I have a theory to explain this.

Earlier in the campaign, Trump was tied up in court hearings. So his campaign staff were left alone to run a competent campaign. This got covered by news programs a few times.

Today, Trump is not facing any imminent court hearings. So he's back to calling the shots and second-guessing his campaign leaders.
Their hands are tied until he comes up with a better nickname than "Laffin' Harris"?
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Jul 31, 2024, 10:53 AM
It’s not “Cackling Kamala”?
Spheric Harlot
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Jul 31, 2024, 12:15 PM
He even spelled it out that way. At a rally. In front of a microphone. Clever-like.
andi*pandi  (op)
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Jul 31, 2024, 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Spheric Harlot View Post
As I wrote:
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Seymour Hersh wrote an “a guy told me” article claiming Obama is responsible for this happening so smoothly.
One could also surmise that this was in the works for a while before Joe finally appeared to withdraw. I mean, websites and posters and such don't create themselves overnight.

I'm saying it. Joe tanked the debate so Kamala could take over.

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Jul 31, 2024, 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by OreoCookie View Post
Another thing: Harris has handled the whole situation very deftly. I am not aware of any leaks where “people close to the VP” have leaked statements about whether Joe Biden should pull out of the race. Also her comments from the time in between the debate and Biden pulling out have been very measured as far as I can tell.
I was noticing this as well. Someone certainly made contingency planning, for Harris to hit the ground running. But Harris didn't give so much as a hint until Biden dropped out.

About leaks "close to the VP", we haven't gotten much in the way of WH leaks at all this term. No scandals, no secretaries being snuck into the West Wing, no after-midnight tweets while sitting on the john. It's been boring for 3.5 years. Or professional - choose your preferred term.
andi*pandi  (op)
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Jul 31, 2024, 02:41 PM
It's been so good for everyone's blood pressure.
Clinically Insane
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Jul 31, 2024, 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by andi*pandi View Post
One could also surmise that this was in the works for a while before Joe finally appeared to withdraw. I mean, websites and posters and such don't create themselves overnight.
Well, yeah. This was allegedly all behind the scenes.

The super-salacious allegation is Obama was the one designated to tell Joe they have the gas to 25th Amendment him.
andi*pandi  (op)
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Jul 31, 2024, 03:36 PM
Point is, who's behind it? Joe. Joe planned it this way. He never intended for two terms. He just wanted to hold out until Trump picked a VP.

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Aug 1, 2024, 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
If Trump was suffering from the same type of impairment Biden is suffering from, I posit it would be easy to tell.
Would it? From the outside as someone other than their physicians? And does the type of impairment matter if Trump does not pass muster for becoming President? Or would it be important to give explicit weights to the factors (60 % narcissism and 40 % dementia) and then argue over percentages?

Lastly, even if Trump is “fine” now, he will be older than Biden is now when he potentially finishes his second term. All the arguments against Biden immediately apply to him as well.
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Aug 1, 2024, 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by reader50 View Post
I was noticing this as well. Someone certainly made contingency planning, for Harris to hit the ground running. But Harris didn't give so much as a hint until Biden dropped out.
Yes, and Presidential runs take a long time to prep in today's age.
Originally Posted by reader50 View Post
About leaks "close to the VP", we haven't gotten much in the way of WH leaks at all this term. No scandals, no secretaries being snuck into the West Wing, no after-midnight tweets while sitting on the john. It's been boring for 3.5 years. Or professional - choose your preferred term.
Yeah, ditto for the Obama Administration, not much leaked there and we didn't have many actual scandals. Both seem to run a tight ship.

In contrast, the Trump Administration leaked like a sieve, and journalists like Maggie Haberman as well as the many people who wrote books were able to rely on many sources.
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Aug 4, 2024, 11:46 PM

Why has no one mentioned the hobbit ear?
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Aug 5, 2024, 12:31 AM
I'd be more concerned about the growths in his ear. Or why it kinda looks like he has a nose ring (pretty sure he doesn't).

Upon closer inspection, this appears to be a frame from a zoom call, with the background replaced. Looks like zoom replaced part of his ear.
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