The Minor Irritant Thread (Page 27)
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Location: inside 128, north of 90
Mail puts spam in the junk box. I empty the junk box. This works as it should.
However after a few days of the same spam being in the junk box, I'd love it if it was blasted to oblivion server-side so i never see it.
Perhaps updating my OS would get me newer mail app with those features... maybe... Hmm.
Clinically Insane
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Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
I have to assume professors that teach UI design just take everything that Microsoft has ever done and call that the textbook of what not to do.
If you change the window size, the snipping tool changes the location of the buttons from top....all of the way to the bottom. It took me several seconds to find the save button the first time this happened to me.

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oh don’t get me started on Microsoft. I’m not even talking about Windows 11. Office keyboard shortcuts - literally every standard ignored. it’s not even consistent from app to app. Alt F4 save as? WTF?
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Originally Posted by Thorzdad
I’m convinced that, if Gmail sniffs you’re using a 3rd-party mail client (Apple Mail, Thunderbird, etc.) it will occasionally let spam through, forcing you to log-in directly to Gmail. I get the same occasional spam out of nowhere.
Oddly, sometimes spam will come through (I use Thunderbird) but when I go to Gmail to mark it as spam, it is already in the spam folder. How/why it still downloaded to my Tbird Inbox is a puzzler.
I also sometimes get spam that isn’t actually addressed to my Gmail account. The address is usually some variation of my Gmail address (thorzdad.wantstobuy.things @gmail, for instance) and quite often not even to the Gmail domain. I get a large amount of spam where it’s being sent to a friggin’ AOL address. I check the long headers and/or raw code and my actual, legit Gmail address is not anywhere to be found. Why this happens really perplexes me.
I’m getting AOL addressee spam too. Also lol, that AOL isn’t in Apple’s dictation library. I’m old.
Last irritant for the day… Safari reloading pages all the time. On a 14 Pro with 6 gigs of RAM. How? Why?
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Location: Nobletucky
Originally Posted by Brien
Last irritant for the day… Safari reloading pages all the time. On a 14 Pro with 6 gigs of RAM. How? Why?
Oh, gods, this. There’s just no damned reason to do this.
In iOS on my iPad, Safari reloads a page/tab every. single. time. you go back to it, even if it was mere seconds ago. I’ve sometimes been copy/pasting some text from one tab to a text field (like this one) in another tab, and have had Safari reload the tab and lose everything I had already entered in the text field 
Clinically Insane
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That is the single biggest change (next to the Pencil 2) I can discern on my new iPad Air 2022. The 8GB RAM means that Safari super often still has the last active tab loaded. It surprises me every time.
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Location: Nobletucky
Apparently, all flights in the US have been grounded due to an outage of the FAA’s NOTAM system. The ground stop is expected to last at least another hour.
I realize this probably isn’t a minor irritant to some folks.
Clinically Insane
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
Yikes - right after Southwest had their huge outage (apparently their entire computer system was held together with popsicle sticks and Scotch tape).
Apparently the city school IT system got hit by a ransomware attack so they closed school yesterday and today.
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Please tell us they didn't pay the ransom. That's what keeps these attacks happening.
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NOTAMs are vital to safety of flight. How the FAA managed to lose that system boggles the mind.
Glenn -----OTR/L, MOT, Tx
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Well, the leading conspiracy theory is that it was an outside job pulled by some country just to the east of europe.
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YouTube and ads language again.
I watched a YT video on how we (Westerners) mispronounce Japanese brand names. A day or two later, I got a Nissan ad ... in Japanese.
Since gotten an ad in Hindi - I've seen a few Wion News videos on Ukraine events, all in English. The most recent was over a month ago. Not sure why else YT would try Hindi.
And just now, a pair of ads in Sweedish. No freaking clue why they tried that language.
Side issue: it's getting hard to figure out what the ads are about. The Sweedish ad appeared to be for golf clubs, or maybe vacations at a golf resort. Followed by a Lexus ad, also in Sweedish. The Hindi ad might have been for clothing, cosmetics, or designer eyeglasses. Women dancing around in all of those things.
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Location: San Antonio TX USA
Originally Posted by Thorzdad
Well, the leading conspiracy theory is that it was an outside job pulled by some country just to the east of europe.
So conspiracy theorists give the FAA’s IT folks a clean pass, in favor of blaming foreign interference? But aren’t these the same theorists who flatly denied the factually proven foreign interference in the 2016 election?
My take is simply that the NOTAM system is big, and has been maintained the way almost anything the federal government owns - for the lowest cost possible, despite how critical that system is. Yes, Congress allocates money to the FAA for this system and others, but they allocate pennies when dollars are requested, with full business cases provided and everything.
Glenn -----OTR/L, MOT, Tx
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Location: Nobletucky
Now, Glenn. You wouldn’t want the government to raise taxes or something, so they could adequately fund stuff that keeps people safe, would you? That’s practically socialism. Or something.
Clinically Insane
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My YouTube revenue has dropped by half since mid-November without me changing anything.., wtf.
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Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
Originally Posted by reader50
YouTube and ads language again.
I've only ever gotten Spanish-language ads, and I haven't seen one of those in a while. We're watching more Hulu now, and the sheer number of dating apps they're advertising is wild - over 50, Christian, the one with the two people in a fencing match while they get ready to go to their high-profile jobs and then the final shot is of the car in the garage rocking back and forth.
Originally Posted by Spheric Harlot
My YouTube revenue has dropped by half since mid-November without me changing anything.., wtf.
I was reading yesterday about YouTube demonetizing older videos, while still continuing to show ads and just capture the revenue for themselves - any chance they've pulled something like that?
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Originally Posted by Thorzdad
Oh, gods, this. There’s just no damned reason to do this.
In iOS on my iPad, Safari reloads a page/tab every. single. time. you go back to it, even if it was mere seconds ago. I’ve sometimes been copy/pasting some text from one tab to a text field (like this one) in another tab, and have had Safari reload the tab and lose everything I had already entered in the text field
I'm really wondering WTF is up with Apple engineering these days. macOS11, iOS 14+ etc. have gotten progressively more buggy. Siri on Homepod is a joke. HomeKit breaks, constantly.
They really need to pump the brakes on the yearly cadence for their entire OS lineup and go back to releasing major updates when they're ready. Or barring that, give us another maintance year like Snow Leopard or iOS 12.
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Location: Nobletucky
I’m not sure the Safari-reloading-tabs thing is a bug so much as it’s just developer hubris/stupidity. Frankly, that would explain a ton of software weirdness from anyone.
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Clinically Insane
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Originally Posted by Brien
Absolutely not. Music videos and a handful of music education videos, exclusively.
Clinically Insane
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Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
Today's Microsoft complaint: "smart" highlighting. If I highlight the space before a word because I specifically want that space highlighted, Word will highlight the word before the space as well. No, Microsoft, I don't have bad aim - I wanted just the space, not the whole word before it.
Okay, I just looked it up, and I can disable "When selecting, automatically select entire word" and that issue is fixed.
It's also jarring when I use another computer that still has that horrific cursor smoothing still enabled.
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Oh man the smooth typing is annoying. So much.
(As is all of Windows 11. Except multi-monitor support which is oddly improved.)
Clinically Insane
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
It's amazing that after two decades the "skip every other Windows version" is still a hard and fast rule. It'd be great if Microsoft was doing it on purpose, but I don't think they are.
Clinically Insane
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Doesn’t Apple kinda do this?
Clinically Insane
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
Certainly not on the same scale. As far as I'm aware, there's no huge pushback on Apple's OS versions and enterprises aren't almost universally purposely skipping versions.
Windows 2000 - good
Windows ME - skip
Windows XP - good
Windows Vista - skip
Windows 7 - good
Windows 8 - skip
Windows 10 - good
Windows 11 - skip
I'm sure some people found some small issues with different versions of OS X or didn't bother upgrading because there was nothing compelling them to, but for Windows these conclusions are the near-universal opinion of all experts.
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It’s not Windows bad, but they have a “tick-tock” cycle.
The “tick” is a pretty big overhaul, and the “tock” fixes the shit they broke in the overhaul.
I feel iOS is that way at least.
Clinically Insane
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Iowa, how long can this be? Does it really ruin the left column spacing?
Maybe I'm not enough of a power user to notice, but ever since my iPhone 5 I've just dutifully installed the available upgrade and never had an issue.
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Nobletucky
Same here, Laminar. Apple has at various times gotten into a "This release is features - This release is bug fixes" rhythm, but it's been ages since I last saw an obvious pattern like that.
Clinically Insane
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With iOS, I remember 14 being a “tock”, 15 was a “tick” (fuck you Focus in particular), and… 16’s kind of a tick I guess, but better than 15.
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At least Focus was real easy to ignore/avoid.
Clinically Insane
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You don’t use Do Not Disturb?
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Clinically Insane
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I’m a “text me 24/7” type, so DND is critical to uninterrupted sleep. Using the Focus version was unavoidable.
Last edited by subego; Jan 17, 2023 at 11:51 PM.
Clinically Insane
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Location: Chicago, Bang! Bang!
A long, long time ago, Amazon accidentally sent me a 50-round magazine loaded with live ammo. Never got rid of it because I felt to do so properly would draw unnecessary attention.
As of a few weeks ago, my state has made the shit illegal.
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I don’t use Focus modes or DND (and on macOS, don’t even use notifications). MacOS peaked around 10.9 for me.
Just recently got a new Mac and Ventura is… fine? Much like Win11 I think the OS tries to do too much. Things were simpler then…
Clinically Insane
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I actually like Monterey a lot, though maybe that’s me being thankful they finally ironed out the glitches from early on.
Before Monterey IIRC I was on Sierra, which I also liked.
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Location: Nobletucky
Originally Posted by subego
I’m a “text me 24/7” type, so DND is critical to uninterrupted sleep. Using the Focus version was unavoidable.
How can you be a “text me 24/7” type yet also use DND? Doesn’t that negate being textable 24/7?
Clinically Insane
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Read as “text me 24/7 [without fear of it waking me up should I be asleep]”
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Variety packs.
Lay’s Variety Pack, 146 ct:
- 8 cool ranch
- 10 bbq
- 10 sour cream and onion
- 12 cheetos
- 96 plain
Quaker Oatmeal, 48 ct:
- 8 apple and cinnamon
- 10 cinnamon spice
- 6 strawberry and cream
- 24 brown sugar
Every time.
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Location: California
I'm not a fan of variety chip packs either. They always seem to short the ones I like the most, with maximum content of the ones I don't care about.
Pop tart variety packs are better - they often have equal breakdowns.
Clinically Insane
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Location: 888500128, C3, 2nd soft.
Originally Posted by subego
I feel iOS is that way at least.
I haven't felt that way about iOS since the radical break of iOS 7.
In recent years, it's become more of a "This is the promise of the new OS", and then they follow through with v X.2 or X.3. Like they laid the groundwork for iCloud end-to-end encryption in iOS 16, but Europe is getting it in 16.3.
With macOS, it does feel like tick-tock a bit. I need to replace this 2016 MBP on an insurance claim (it's got wonky after taking a tumble), and I'm pretty leery of having to move to Ventura at this point. It seems to have broken more stuff than Monterey did, and Monterey feels like a polished system.
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Location: California
Google ads have picked up on my YouTube ads. Someone who deserves ads in Sweedish.
"Fram" is a brand of car engine filters. "Thermia" presumably refers to temps. "skidland" might refer to skiing. "av" and "sponsor" might not need translating.
So ... "Hot car filter company sponsors long multimedia skiing vacations". <-- almost certainly wrong.
Clinically Insane
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Location: Chicago, Bang! Bang!
Thermia does relate to temps by way of it being the name of a heating company.
Längdskidlandslaget is the Swedish Ski Team I think.
Framtidens are for when you your tidens need framming.
Clinically Insane
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Location: 888500128, C3, 2nd soft.
Future heating - today. Thermia is a proud sponsor of the national cross-country skiing team.
Clinically Insane
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Sites that ask you to make a password of 40 characters or less, but multiple attempts and a call to support reveal they meant 20 or less.
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: inside 128, north of 90
All password errors should show the requirements dammit. Also if the username is required to be an email address, give us a clue, man.
Clinically Insane
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This one also didn’t allow hyphens in the password.
At least they notified you of it, but it was still pretty irritating.
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I agree with andi. If there are specific length requirements, they should be stated up front. And ANY character limitations or requirements should also be obvious; which special/punctuation characters are or aren’t allowed, spaces or not, and so on.
Not showing the user what the requirements are is essentially telling the user to guess. And actively passive-aggressively ticking off the user, too. That tends to make users go away…
Glenn -----OTR/L, MOT, Tx
Clinically Insane
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To clarify my irritation, this site (Blue Cross) said right up-front there’s a 40 character limit, and even provided a character count in the password field, so they got that part right.
The irritant was the actual limit is 20. I used a 38 character password, which it said was allowable. When I tried to log back in the reply was “username or password is incorrect”.
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38-character password, what a psychopath…
My previous iPhone stored all my passwords and it’s set to share between my Apple account. Phone got wiped, all passwords disappeared. Ugh.
Mankind's only chance is to harness the power of stupid.

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